I get horny like mad...?

I am a 20 year old feminine and I get horny closely! The first time I had sex I be 19. I didn't have sex closely when I first started messing with this guy. Then a few months latter we started sleeping together almost everyday for about 3 months. Well for almost the past 2 months we have slept together about 2-3 times. The closing time I slept with him be about a week or so ago. We've arranged that we aren't going to sleep together anymore. I have be really horny for about times past 5 days, almost all sunshine. Is there something wrong beside me? All I think in the order of is sex now. I believe I may be worse than a guy.


You can't get pregnant from oral sex can you!?

There is nought wrong with have a high sex drive, abundantly of women do, it just seem to be one of those things which isn't really acknowledged. A lot of women enjoy sex purely as much as men. Not really the kind of article women talk just about openly, I hold no idea why because it's fine for guys to do it, but own you considered helping yourself out?

I have trouble trusting guys! HELP!!?

yumm i similar to you

I am in period and my boyfriend he sex with me?

No near is nothing wrong beside you. Your sex drive is just within overdrive right now. Enjoy your time alone by have fun yourself.

Can someone help me please?


and I thought Paris Hilton be the worst...

well your body desires to get used to no sex for a while in a minute, i mean come on, how the hell do u do it everyday similar to that? jeez...

Tell me what you think?

And your never too horny...
Simply no such item...

Is my vagina normal? (again)?

ya draw from off the computer and progress bang your team leader agaisnt the wall for a couple hours...til it bleeds...

if it doesn't bleed...it means ou didnt get hold of it all otu.

powerfully? what are you waiting for? get going

Any women use mirena?

Its my guess you'll be wash up by the time your 21. Jezebel was resembling that, and she died a horrible death. Knock yourself out

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This is not ordinary, but you've changed your life by have sex before you're married. Now it seem that you have cravings resembling a man.

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It's better than the episode of Grey's Anatomy where on earth the one patient kept have spontaneous orgasms all the time.

Help me please?

No it's majority to feel that why I'm sure woman amd men both walk through the same entry , so there is zilch wrong with you .

Need warning please! Pregnant? or periods?

No, you simply need to pleasure yourself if you can't own sex. But just be not dangerous! And trust me you will grow out of it when you get elder and are married. Then you will never want to have sex, EVER!

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No but you entail to get some on the regular. i recommend getting into a relationship rather. its safer and the sex is better when there is an passionate connection.

Can Platocin be used to bring on a length?

No Comment thanks for the points!

Houston over and out!

Do i enjoy a yeast infection? my side hurts?

I get that instrument to Maybe you are a horny person , but it basically means you hold a healty sexual apetitie, Join the club. lol.

Are women oblivious to the pungent odor that may allure from "down there?"?

I'm almost 43 yrs. elderly. I was never into sex or person horny. When I turned 38, This is ALL I think roughly myself. I have tried to figure out what is going on with me. I do know out of adjectives sense that evgeryone's body changes regardless of age. Example, The infant stage, the elementary stage,etc. so consequently our bodies are also changing.Our mental state have alot to do with our body functions. WE can put ourselves surrounded by or out of any mood or attitude that we desire. It's called " mind over matter". And NO I personaly consider you are just a immature woman who has a open passion and strong desire for sex.

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Kidding right. You are fishing for complements from stupid guys approaching me.. Are you a guy, just fooling beside us?

Is there a solution to my dryness?

Get a vibrator, and a crust of batteries.

Nothing wrong beside a strong sex drive. Enjoy it while you can, just don't do something stupid, similar to getting pregnant, or catching a STD. Vibrators are better than either of those relationship consequences.


Just for a while curious?

Be thankful and hold doing whatever you are doing to be horny as much as possible.
Then revise how through yoga and breath control to move the sexual energy up through your spinal column to the top of your pave the way. If you ever get it to the top of your person in charge the energy will allow you to reconnect to your Source/God. You will enjoy the GRANDEST and most Profound Orgasm of your Life. If you want to learn going on for sexual yoga contact me [email protected]

Am I pregnant or is it pms?

take care of your self more commonly if you know what i mean.

Women: Did you Mom instruct you how to shave?

i don't think your horny, your only just making it up.trying to let yourself believe that you are, prove it to me.

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