Need advice please! Pregnant? or period?

ok here is my story. stopped taking pill 8th Jan 07, then get a proper one week period started on 12th jan 07 finished on 19th Jan 07. consequently 34 days later i started spotting round bout 15th Feb, thought i might of be preg but tests (doctors) come back neg. afterwards 12 march (25 days since spotting) get faint time like cramps, if its them they are untimely. i had unprotected sex on 8th mar, 10th, and 11th. not sure when my spell is due as they have gone wacko since stopping pill. woke up this morning 13th mar have a huge amount of clear mucus and it had a woozy brown tinge almost clear. and have giddy cramps today sometimes its to one side for a couple of minutes but mostly in the middle like a interval cramp. is this my periods starting impulsive or possible preg? any advice greatly appreciated.


Can you enjoy sex when a girl is on their period?

Hmm...ably based on self the birth control guru of all my friends (not a doctor preserve that in mind) I'll explain to you what I think.

When women run off the pill their bodies adjust trying to move about back to a common cycle. Which means things are unexpected at first. If I were you I would bring a pregnancy test once a week until I saw red again for my own mental robustness's sake.

I doubt you got pregnant on the 8th or since. If you are in the process of getting pregnant right very soon it is from the sperm still floating around from the 10th or 11th. It sounds like you're ovulating today which your body hasn't done in a while. That explains the woozy cramping on one side.

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you enjoy just gone bad the pill a couple of months ago by the looks of your note =it does pilfer awhile to regulate on a normal schedual short the pill you could be a person who have iregular periods to be on the secure side check things out with your Dr =you might entail a D&C to straighten the periods up

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There's a few things you entail to know.

1. All birth control pills can cause irregular cycles or variety them stop all together.

2. You cannot be pregnant and hold your period at one and the same time.

3. You CAN be pregnant and have spotting.

You've have unprotected sex while your cycle is irregular and that really complicates things. You should take a home pregnancy experiment just to be sure because: 1) you've have unprotected sex since what would've been your concluding period, 2) you're have spotting now 3) your cycle is still irregular and a question paper would be the only channel to know for sure.

Please do not have unprotected sex. This is freshly one of the many reason why. You are worth using a condom. Your life is more useful than a few moments of something that feels perfect. Any decent guy will respect that.

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It does lift a few months for your body to adjust after stopping the birth control pill, but yes you might be prego. I know several people who have their period while pregnant one of my Friends have 3 periods back she found out that she was 4 months along. Go go and get a test and find out

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