Is it nomal to still expirience pains after 7weeks of having ceaserian article?

expiriencing pains arround the CS area

I cry after having an orgasm why is this?

Well, is this your first? I have a bad experience for my first. it seem that the doctor rushed with the cleanup. I could still grain pain for months. It be a major operation after adjectives so I though it was commonplace but later when have my second child with a different doc, he said that i should discern better after a week or so. For me, there is no strain after 1 to 2 weeks for my second child.

So dear, do check with your doc. Refrain from carrying anything fatty for the moment. You need plenty of rest, so ask for serve for anything you cannot handle. Wish u the best.

Ok i have need of help?


Bad knees pain?

not necessarily.but for some relatives it takes longer time to treat than others,there are different cause for that since we are different from eachother.but it mostly depend on what type of pain it is,and is it severe.some general public have the affliction for about 3 to 5 months and its go away when its totally healed inside and out.but within could even be a complication,its better to check with an OB and be paid it clear,ignoring these things can grounds major problems during after that stages.

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