Do i own a yeast infection? my side hurts?

well when i go to pee it hurts/burns everytime, similar to after im done peeing it feels resembling i still need to pee, approaching it hurts when i push to pee.

for about 4-5 days now

and almost 2 days ago i started to develope this pain within my right side, like i use a heat pad everyday, the cramp is only contained by my side not anywhere else, oh and im on my period right immediately too, but it doesnt feel close to cramps

i just looked-for some advice wreak i dont have medical insurance

Long spell, big weight gain?

Kidney infection..Urinary Tract infection
You inevitability antibiotics at this point.

If this is gone untreated, you can suffer kidney shutdown, which will kill you.
Drink pure cranberry liquid and see a doctor ASAP.

What goes on at the gynecologist's organization?

Sounds like a urinary tract infection, possibly going to the kidney. It could also be a kidney stone which are exceptionally painful and can basis the same symptoms. You have need of some medical attention unfortunately. There are clinics who will assist you in reimbursement of not charge you at all. Call your local county vigour department. Or even, if you are female, stir to planned parenthood. They are not of late for pregnancy and birth control. Good health.

A different partner, and immediately I can't have orgasms from intercourse. Why?

This is a UTI (urinary tract infection). You *must* stir see a doctor. There's no over-the-counter medication to fix this. They can get markedly painful and motive more problems if you don't get it looked at rapidly.

Pay the money and get the problem fixed. It will single get worse. Trust me, I've be there, done that!

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