How is her drinking affecting the nouns if her fetus?

A woman who knows she is within her 30th week of pregnancy has a fetus near a total lenght f 210 mm & a mass of 900 gm. She tells her doctor that she have several beers every day. How is her drinking affecting the nouns if her fetus?

What is the problem?

Sad to say it have affected her fetus. We own adopted 3 children from indistinguishable biological family that have some form of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Our children's mother only drank a "few" beers or anything. One of our children who is now 19 have moderate retardation with an IQ of 43. One who is 15 have learning disabilities and the youngest who is 11 have FAE, Fetal Alcohol facial characteristic but abundant neurological and behaviour difficulties.
Please cheer up anyone you know who drinks during pregnancy to stop immediately for the robustness and well mortal of their child!

My wife has facial to remove it permanently at home?

thes is extremely bad article for the baby it might hold problms when ti is born

Persistant nausea?

The baby will suffer irreversible reduce to rubble. It's called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I enjoy a neice who has this. She's 20 years behind the times with an 8 year ancient brain. Try to convinve her to stop now if at all possible. Regardless, though, the damage have already been done. Sorry.

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