More confusion.............?

Ok, here is the story. I thought i be pregnant. I have brown discharge that started the year earlier my length. That last for give or take a few three days. That darkness I took a pregnancy audition and it showed a positive. Not extremely wobbly but not strong any. It showed up right away. I go to bed. I woke up, go to the bathroom, and feel close to something be pouring out of me. I wipe and it be bright red blood. It's continued throughout the light of day. I also have desperate cramping when it happen. Now I'm not sure becuase I took Pamprin. I still hold bright red blood although it's not cumbersome approaching a run of the mill interval is for me or completely clotty. So, still pregnant or miscarriage?

I did lug two more test but the Answer ones, and not the Walgreens Early Pregnancy Detection Tests. They be both gloomy. Also, my bleeding, although not becoming heavier or lighter, is starting to include some clots. Small ones, not various, but they are starting to appear. The twinge become so desperate I took Pamprin and be ok.

Growth request for information?

It's call a spontaneous miscarriage,if you set off to bleed heavily jump to the ER rapidly.With a spontaneous miscarriage you're usually still precipitate contained by your pregnancy and when you miscarry it's approaching a regular length next to clots and pouring cramping it usually clears on its own.If you enjoy trouble beside your subsequent time,resembling cumbersome bleeding and clots you might inevitability to enjoy a D&C.See your GYN doctor.Take Care.

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That is more or smaller number what happen to me when i miscarried. I with the sole purpose ever have small clots but blood and anguish also. Did you move about doctors. Hope your ok.

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