Please comfort me.?

okay im 16 and i missed a lot of my period lately. IM SURE I AM NOT PREGNANT. my doctor said that i have anorexia and that my cycle can stop if i dont receive enough nutrients contained by me. is this true?


Definitely. If you have lost too much weightiness, your body starts to shut down and not perform functions that you don't have need of to survive. ( don't NEED to get your extent to just ensure that you can bear children). If you don't gain satisfactory weight to start getting your interval soon, you may lose the chance to ever enjoy children again. If you go in need your period for an extended amount of time, you may never get hold of it back.

Anorexia have a huge road to recovery--you need to be in position to face it and it will require abundantly of strength. Good luck, hon.

Can You Still Have Babies With One Ovary?

As far as I know If you are below 65 or 75 lbs, you cannot menstrate.

Full physical?

Yes - that is true. Anorexica can rationale your period to stop. Your body is not getting adequate nutrients. I had impossible to tell apart problem when I was contained by college. Get help immediately, before it go any farther.

What does each color discharge indicate?

yes it is very true. your body simply mesturates if you are able to provide adjectives the things a baby requests. if you are anorexic then your infant can't survive. Also if your period is stopping after other organs could begin to shut down.

My friend is 11 and she have white discharge and she has a bush of pubic curls and hair lower than her arms?

Yes! That is completely true! Eat woman Eat. You are worthwhile, life is worth living. Food taste great and makes for a fun year. Eat!

I have appear to always hold had deeply of white milky discharge why is this and what can i do to stop it?

Yes that is awfully much so true! You must get back because if you keep loosing weightiness you will not have you spell until you gain weight to be run of the mill size!

I am scheduled to own a complete?

Yes, if you are too skinny or anorexic your periods can stop altogether, but once you get a dependable percentage of body fat rear legs they will resume again eventually. This is why God created women to store more fat than men.

How can a woman still carry her period if she have her tubes tied?

Yes this is true. You are harming your body by not gettting your anorexia lower than control. You could wind up departed if you don't get relieve for this soon. Yes DEAD as in not living any more. You seem to be to not realize just how serious anorexia is. Maybe when you are inert you will realize that YES IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!

Is this normal?

well consequently if you doctor told you this...well consequently i think i will hold his word..are you gaining any mass?

If a girl is peganant and she not ready for a babe, does vinegar help loose it?

totally, I have a friend who didn't it barely at adjectives and worked out all of the time and she didn't own hers for 4 months!

Implanon, missed periods?

yes its true. i am a doctor, i hav profoundly of patients face this problem too. and try not to drink coffee or tea, they will kind your condition even worst.

Abortion at 7 or 8 weeks?

Anorexia does lead to the stoppage of menstrual period, not to mention many other problems. As someone who have suffered from bulimia in days gone by, I hope that you are in psychoanalysis for this condition and that you will slowly but surely find yourself feeling in good health again.

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