Yeast Infection Questions! serious answers single please.?

I have never have a yeast infection before. I reason I have one very soon though. I was on penicillin for 2 that a wreak?

Anyway, my vaginal area is exceptionally itchy. Pardon me, but I have to go and get graphic here for a minute...My hole is super itchy, and the nouns where my chops meet is itching too. It is burning, especially when I pee. I enjoy a bit of discharge, but it doesn't seem to be white or chunky...close to I have read that it should be.

There is no odor. Just central itching, and some burning.

Does this sound resembling a yeast infection? What should I use?

Thanks all.

What does it have a feeling like when a cyst bursts?

It is possible to hold a yeast infection without the creamy white discharge. It sounds to me like you own a yeast infection. The irritation is very typical especially since you enjoy been on the antibiotic penicillin for 2 weeks. What happen is we all enjoy yeast in our bodies but when you pocket a antibiotic it kills adjectives the bad germs AND all the polite bacteria that keep the normal yeast we enjoy under control. The yeast grows more speedily without the moral bacteria to control it and wham you grasp the symptoms you describe. I doubt it's a different type of vaginal infection because you just get off antibiotics.

Since in that is no foul odor I would try either Monistat 3day over the counter or call for your doctor tell them you hold a yeast infection from the antibiotics and ask him to prescribe a medication called Diflucan (fluconazole) it is a one dose oral pill that your insurance will cover. Most doctors will prescribe it short a visit after a course of antibiotics. And nearby aren't any messy creams to worry around!

If neither of those methods clear up your symptoms in a relatively short spell of time I would then cause a new appointment near your doctor.

Yeast infections are miserable and they will get worse if untreated.

I missed my interval for almost 1 & 1/2 months now. Possible motivation aside from pregnancy.?

I've never had a yeast infection but I've be told by my doctor that penicillin CAN cause them. I'd suggest any seeing your doctor or trying one of the commercial medicines sold at drug stores.

Breast Sonogram after mammograms results?

It is possible that you enjoy a very mild yeast infection. Antibiotics can distrupt the flora(bacteria) of the vagina and effect an overgrowth of yeast.
Go to Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc and pick up Monistat. They have 1 daytime, 3, day, 7 hours of daylight treatments. I would try the 3 day first. If it does not stop consequently you should see your gyn.
Hope you feel better. That itching sensation is adequate to make one lose their mind!

Has anyone have to use a fleet regular enema or bisacodyl enema for constipation? Can you tell me in the region of it?

Yes it is a yeast infection, probably from the antibiotic, go see your doctor or turn to your local drug store, they have over the counter remedies...

Steralisation, hysterography, d & c?

All antibodics can explanation a yeast infection. Itching is a sigh but you should have a discharge as powerfully. Monistat is the best.

I don't know what to do?

If it's not a yeast infection, it could be a UTI. But, considering the itch, and the fact that you be on Penicillin (antibiotics get rid of the commonplace "flora" or bacteria which in general protects you) it could very ably be a yeast infection. Try buying Monistat at CVS or your local pharmacy. It works. If it doesn't then you may own something else and you should see your gynocologist/doctor.

I need help out !!?

it could be a yeast infection or vaginosis. definetely go to the doctor and receive checked out, that stuff is uncomfortable.

I get shorter?

It sounds alot like an STD, get hold of that checked out.

How do you get ride of..?

you should see your doctor,,,,,,

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