I've never had intercourse, but today i get fingered and i'm bleeding brown blood...HELP??

i was flaccid out with a incredibly close friend of mine and she was fingering me near one finger (which happened once before) and it be all obedient, but when she pulled out she said ur bleeding. i didnt think it be a big deal, but that be about 8 hours ago, and i'm still bleeding, not a constant flow, but it's more than i expected. and the blood is a brownish color. i'm really freaked out. should i acquire help? is this mundane? i'm so confused, someone please help me!!

Do guys approaching a bald vagina?

It sounds tremendously much like you enjoy started your period, thats appear to me once with my partner, he is manly though. But still same thing he be doing that to me , it was brown for roughly 2 days then u carry the usual red come through dont panic no big

If it is stinging afterwards u have a cut or a frcition burn best point for that is cranberry liquid i kniw its nasty but a few cups will do

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I think you started your length

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pour some marine and if you get a burning sensation you would have a small wound ,or else it would be the perods
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Maybe it a start to own your period. Do you discern pain when you urine. If yes conceivably it a small wound.

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You more then expected lost your virginity. if the bleeding persist you might want to consult a doctor. Another leeway is you may have a moment ago started your period. Don't freak out that will throw your hormones out of wack as capably. good luck.

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The bleeding could be due to your friend slightly scratching you inside. Or she may of done it somewhat faster than the last time and also gone deeper. Wait til morning (or 24hrs) and if near is still bleeding, see a doctor.

My last time of year was Feb 8th and be normal when should i lift a pregnacy test?

Are you lesbian or bi sexual?

Dont hysterics, it might just be the blood from breaking your hymen or it could be you rperiod starting.
If tomorro your still bleeding, budge straight to your doctor.
Better safe than sorry.

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