Has anyone have to use a fleet regular enema or bisacodyl enema for constipation? Can you tell me give or take a few it?


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I enjoy had to provide fleet enemas to heaps patients for either a disorder they have or to prepare them for an examination. Are you referring to the drink mixture that cleans out your system or have an actual enema? I'm not quite sure what you want to know, but if you do not enjoy much experience with laxatives, here's what you should know: Cramping may go off and is common. Be sure to stay resourcefully hydrated with marine. Also, there is no estimate of how heaps bowel movements you'll have as everyone's body is different - so I suggest planning on staying home that sunshine.

What is this?

What did you want to know? With an enema you put the nozzle into the rectum and gently squeeze the bottle of the enema until adjectives of the liquid is gone. You afterwards relax for about 5-10 minutes to administer it time to work. Once you start feeling the urge to own a BM you go to the toilet and let the enema work. It does not hurt to filch an enema and it is not embarrassing or anything else.

Which is better?

Yes (fleet) I own several times.
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I had both, but Fleet not solely has a disgusting savour, make an appointment to stay by the washroom for the subsequent four hours, it is like a bomb for bowels

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