Period misery keeps getting worse as i get elder.?

When i first started i didn't get any headache at all, adjectives i got elder it has slowly get worse every time i come on. it started with a bit of stomach cramps next it gradually get worse then getting leg numbness. very soon in the concluding couple of months i have be getting back spasm that lasts the together time im on. im also very lashing and they last for moderately a long time, more than a week sometimes. i was wondering if anyone have any ideas on how to sort it out. i lift pain killer and stuff but they dont work very okay on my back, and they wear rotten after not very long and i dont similar to taking lots of pills. thanks surrounded by advance.

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Endometriosis is a condition contained by which cells from inside your uterus, grow outdise the urerus. It cause scar tissue and adhesion. As you get elder the more and more scar tissue builds up contained by your pelvis making your periods more scratchy.

Go see a GYN and get evaluated for agony and problems with your time of year. Also birth control pills help some- but here are other treatments- and other conditions that can cause this- so gain see a proffesional.

If i missed my period concluding monthwill it start at the end of this month?

a contreceptive pill can give a hand reduce the brawny period reducing stomach cramps and put a bet on pains try going to your doctor and explaining to him/her what your problems are and they will suggest a pill that is best

Lupron Depot?

Ive get the same problem as you, contained by everything your describing. I take a pill call feminax. Don't know if you've tried it, but if you haven't then you should. Also, I have a friend who suffered from bad term pains, and when she went on the contraceptive pill, they lessened. You might want to endow with that a try too. Good Luck. (",)

My doctor put me on Provera for 10 days to start my period & I am on my 3rd day- what is the av. bulk gain?

I had matching issues.. they done a laprascopic surgery that determined I had endometriosis. They put me on birth control pills and man I be aware of 100% better. You might want to talk to your ob/gyn something like this. Good luck!

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Think you should consult a doc. I'm really sorry something like your pain-seems to be excrutiating. When i get cramps, i whip Bruffen400g. You may try it.

Shower head?

If you enjoy heavy period ask your doctor for transexamic acid 500mg tablets,they decline the blood flow and taken with painkillers can form them bearable,also applying heat to your bleeding area can also abet,either near a hot water bottle or one of those things you melt up in the mirowave

Cat Scratch On?

a hot river bottle might help, or a nice hot hip bath.

Meunstration "issues"?

i would speak to a doctor if i was you, possibly even get a swab oral exam just to spawn sure everythings normal down here, i have have severe period pains since i started my term at 12 im now 18 but that turned out ive hold pelvic inflammatory disease since my periods started. i dont want to verbs you but its better be to checked and safe than sorry. you could other go on the pill that should relief take the point of the pain away.

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