Cat Scratch On...?

My Cat Sratched me really deep on the n!pp/e and it departed a scab. how should i care for this?


How come you can bleed to departure in smaller amount than an hour but?

Sorry... but that made me laugh a moment or two bit! I would be careful not to pick at the scab. Keep an eye on it to engineer sure that it doesn't get infected. I resembling to put neosporin on everything. Also, find your softest bra... nothing near lace! Ouch! Feel better soon... and no more playing with your cat unless you own a shirt on ;-)

Pre-prom help?

okay, first bad...ouchiee.
uhm, clean it on a daily basis with hydrogen peroxide and put neosporin on it to preserve it clean, if it swells and have puss, goto the doctorr

How to ease PMS?

use peroxide and a q-tip and humanely clean it =if you attain infection use polisporin or see your Dr

Are suppositories dangerous if you use it more than once a week for a month?

how did you carry it there?

what where on earth you up 2?

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