WHat is the best style to quit smoking?

today after anestisia and a cystoscopy and years of pain -i be diagnosed w/ interstitual cystitis- its a horrible pelvic and bladder condition -one of the things i have to do except change my diet ..is to QUIT SMOKING! Ive be smoking for 10 yrs now . I know im addicted to nicotine but i contemplate the habbit of actually smoking the cig is what not at your best have trouble beside . I was wondering if anyone have been through the simalar point or know a good process to quit.any adise would help.

Answers:    ok besides the nicotine patch and gum (which I'm sure you already knew about) I would also try going on a cigarette that be 100% tobacco or even an herbal cigarette (I used Nirdosh and Indian cigarette) to quit. Once you get rid of the nicotine later you can get rid of the way.

I have quit lots times and a lot of the times I get a cold and couldn't smoke for a few days so I made the choice not to start once I stopped and also started working out, running, which doesn't allow you to smoke anymore.
Cut down the amount you smoke to eventually give it up for perfect. I went cold turkey, but I be only a social smoker. I stopped drinking too so I don't smoke.
There are others path like chewing gum or wearing a patch.
Here are some other ways:
I don't know the best opening for you to quit, but I know that part of the addiction to smoking have a lot do near association. Like if you always enjoy a cigarette when you get out of bed, that would be an association (wake up and smoke). Or, if you other light up a cigarette when you progress fishing, then you own the association. If you can eliminate the associated routines that combine your smoking to your deeds, it will help. Try associating something else for your mouth, resembling chewing gum or putting a tooth pick in your mouth. Good luck 2 U. This site help me to quit.

There are any number of ways for those around you to help you quit smoking, create sure you are getting all the relieve you can from those in your kith and kin and circle of friends. This will not be an easy process for you, it isn’t for anybody, but know one item for sure, you WILL need lend a hand to quit smoking! Try to get more information about some ways to stop smoking at my profile.

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