Shower principal?

One of my work friends recently told me that she uses a showerhead to m-bate and that it works wonders. She be kinda drunk at the time when she told me. She said that I should try it sometime. Would you recommend it and is it safe? How exactly do you do this(eg. do you use hot or cold hose? standing up or what?) Thank you in advance.


Do guys use pantiliners?

it does grain good, standing or sitting or lay down w/e is comphy use a warm sea so it doesnt burn you or freezes you...try it you'll know what to do once the water hits you...

to paul k: if a man could do it partially as good as a girl can to herself we wouldn't have need of to m-bate not to mention that a guy isn't next to you 24/7...besides if you dont enjoy anything nice to say dont bother answering at adjectives, she is looking for advise not critisism...

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get a man.

Weird question-any information more or less buttock implants?

you use thaw water and you can sit or stand

Bad first experience?

You should ask that friend. Also, find out what type of shower chief. If you choose to go that process, get a trial one, and wash it after every use.

Do i involve the morning after pill (emergency contraceptive)?

The hand-held shower heads work the best. You freshly can't reach properly near a traditional shower head. Make sure the marine temp is comfortable to you, and experiment.

Im taking tamoxifen and im struggling to lose weight even though i stir to gym regularly and eat wellhelp?

ive never done it but my friend say she does. she said you use cold/warm water and sit down and spread out your legs?

Girls singular! (Teens)?


i can be there for you 24/7.hehehe

Is this raw for my first period? (please be mature)?

first rotten you need a shower cranium that has a long cord. (I broken one pulling on it when i get excited) Then play around with it, it can be great. Use thaw water, perchance a little colder than you shower near. As far as safety...I'm not a doctor, but I've done it forever and never have any problems. Have Fun!

Ladies Please!?

Yes it works! Move it slowly, and direct it at your clit

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