My doctor put me on Provera for 10 days to start my period & I am on my 3rd day- what is the av. bulk gain?
I am on a competitive dance troop and really need answers concerning weight gain- they weigh us in every week. I know, vain. I enjoy to know because I get remunerated to dance near the team. So, my doctor put me on Provera for 10 days, I am 3 days contained by to the dose and need to know what the possible gain of mass will be in 10 days, if any? Please, relate me with brutal honesty. My breasts enjoy swelled and I can hardly fit contained by my bra's, please help?
Provera is a Progestin. When I be on Depo Provera [the birth control] my bra size went up 2 cup sizes! I also gain 30 lbs which could be from the birth control or the actual progestin. My ob/gyn said it was from the progestin [provera]. But some women are different and hence react different. In 10 days I'd utter the most you could gain is 10 lbs, but more likely merely 5.
I didn't gain long as you stay active and put away healthy you should be fine