Im 14, andd my boobs hold be itching alott. why?

they have been itchingg sicne going on for late julyy. can you tell mee whyy?

Answers:    oh boy.
i know what you're going through.
when I be 13/14 i went through the exact same thing & not to mention - it drove me CRAZY.
my doctor said that it's because my chest is growing and that the skin is stretching out.
the skin stretches out from the size it be when you were younger so it will itch a little bit.
try some tot powder on it - it will help trust me..
Ive got equal thing!
its perfectly average, i think it could be puberty or just dry skin.
try not to mark and put lotion on the area.
what i did to stop itching was put a bandaid over the dry skin. (Make sure you touch the ends abit to sort it not so sticky because i could hurt when you pull it off.

perfect luck!
If your breasts are growing quickly your skin is probably being stretched, and yes, that can itch. The itching could also be due to a different detergent (or even a new coloured bra, if the dye is bothering you) or to sweat being caught surrounded by the fabric. you might alergic to your bra or it might to be because of the season. some people freshly itch because it's winter or summer or whatever. just grasp some lotion with aloevera in it and that should stop the itching.
Same here and I'm 12 1/2 almost 13. It probably is bc be in puberty or it could be my new deodorant. Maybe that's impossible to tell apart reason u have or u could be allergic to your bra? I get it when I was 10 until I was 11. A year subsequent, I still get some itchiness every now and after. Just be happy you don't get what my mom get when she was my age... Hers hurt..
maybe your allergic to your bra or your purely growing up and so are they. lol it happened to me too dont worry abt it nil serious Ur Boobs are growing.
Its ok.
: D
i think we're normal though..
foreign detergent or dryer sheet or something? lol idk boobs are just freaky like that cuz they r growing and u r going through puberty approaching every one else!.
I have no idea but I am going through one and the same thing

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