I entail some help on losong shipment!?

I am 15 yrs old and I hold a lil excess baggage ( close to 20 lbs) and I wanna lose it I am wiliing to try anyhting but I need ur abet becuase I don't know what to do cuz I am so young and I dont knwo what to do. I am disappearing for a trip in June and I want to look honest if u know what I mean. Iam sick of these freakin rolld I get everywhere! Ok so my question is do u enjoy any tips on eating, excersizing and I dont enjoy money or time to join a gym thats not a chance. Ok thank you


Personal Female Question: Serious Answers Only?

Try Weight Watchers

Ovulation bleeding?!?Help!?

go for a jog everyday, or a few times a week, possibly work out at a gym and eat lots of fruits and vegetables more than fried food and you'll be fine in no time

How am I suppossed to turn to the bathroom and change my tampon short anyone noticing?

exercise day after day!

Pain while urinating and blood too !!?

Atkins....and the gym ..or run a little and increase the distance respectively day.

What cause hypothyroidism?

Well, if you are fifteen and overweight, chances are you resembling your junkfood. Get rid of it all! Then start watching the size of the portions that you put on your plate, chew your food slowly, and achieve out and walk, stride, walk!

43 days between final period and immediately?

To Tell you the truth at 15is really too young to diet ...unless your obeist ...but thats my inference...But you Could Run..Sports..Jog...Crunches... of things Like when You wake up u can do a few crunches..or pushups

I own wierd light head ness and dizziness..why?

sneak some castor oil (laxative) into that grocery pushcart, i took some last hours of darkness and . . . well it cleans you out if you ruminate youve been a pig.

ive never see my stomach SOOO slim but male sure you drink alot of sea so you wont dehydrate

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