Kinda Embarassing-Girls Only Please?

Ok so i have this really werid discharge
and everytime i own sex it really really hurts,
I dont know why,
i am 15.
does anyone have an thought?

What do u kno about g spot?

Ask your doctor, not some amature associates on
I don't know what the problem is. What does the discharge look like? it may in truth be normal.
as for the hurting entry, I wouldn't know.

p.s. you're too young to own sex

How do u know whether your pregnant or not to test it?

aren't you immature to have sex?

I want my time!?

Wicked Child.......

is it poo?

Why do girls have sex if it HURTS THEM SO BAD?

Sounds similar to you have caught something and you shouldn't be have sex at 15. Sorry, but you must be expecting this response!

PCOS? but went and it wasntalthough i get all the symptoms?

You may own thrush - which is easily treatable. However you could own any number of STD, so if you have put yourself at risk by have unprotected sex you need to budge to a GU clinic asap!

Is dat true dat girls get hornier when they r on their time of year?

i personally enjoy no clue what it could be. i strongly suggest that you go see a doctor sweetie.

Long length!?

You should get tested for std's. asap.

My girlfriend get the orgasm too fast, what is occurring?

it probably hurts because you aren't ready...physically or emotionally. impart it a few years.

I am a 19 year old woman from india. Can I move about for facial at this age?

sounds lke you might have an S.T.I/S.T.D turn see a doctor. are you not a bit young to be have sex?

What kind of effect will taking Zoloft hold on a woman's period, brother? Will it receive her irregular, brother?

Go to ur Doctor or the sexual health clinic asap. Make sure u are using condoms as they lessen the risk of u contracting an STD.

Medium Sized Bump?

for a starters you shouldnt have sex at your age not antiquated enough and you proberbly hold thrush or some other infection go to the doctors and check your self out hope you own been using protection if go procure checked for stds you silly girl

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it could be something like bacterial vaginosis which isn't an std but it could also be something close to chlamydia. get checked out at your local G.U.M clinic. its confidential. you are so childish, you shouldn't have this problem x

Why do my nipples hurt??

Hi hun, It could be a sexually transmitted infection. Have you ALWAYS used condoms? Just to be on the secure side you and your boyfriend should go to the doctor or a familial planning clinic and be tested. The numbers will be in the yellow page.

Good luck.

More discharge than before. (i know its not a disease)?

Sounds close to thrush to me, you can get a Diflucan tablet from the chemist that will clear it up.

By the path 15 is too young to be have sex, maybe your body is trying to let somebody know you something.

Early Menopause?

book a taxi for the clap clinic very soon!

What age did you get your first bra and did you say-so something about getting one or be it your mom?

get tested for std's IMMEDIATLY

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Stop have under age sex for a start and be in motion and see your doctor, you may have picked up some compassionate of infection.
If you continue to hold sex please god be responsible and use some form of protection for both your sakes!

Pill probs?

Sounds like thrush to me, you can win a Diflucan tablet from the chemist that will clear it up.

By the way 15 is too young at heart to be having sex, conceivably your body is trying to tell you something.

I'm going to marry & Im so startled of defloration,does it have so much backache?

See a doctor and get yourself tested for stds, and don't hold sex until you and you partner(s) arte treated.

Cramps can you help?

You necessitate to go to your nearest Brook Advisory will be seen by general public who will respect your privacy and not make a judgement on your sexual distraction.You may have an infection which can be treated efficiently, but the main piece is to make sure that you hold sex safely surrounded by the future and this guidance will help you establish what the best thing is for you.

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Go to the feminine GUM clinic or family planning you could own a STD . You should be able to find the number and or address in the phone book or Public loos. You are too immature to be having sex properly but they have to hold on to confidentiality .Get your self and if necessary any partner you have be with checked out you dont want a tot at the moment {so practice "safe sex."USE A CONDOM} But if you own got a STD it could give you sterile {unable to have a child ever}

What is a trial?

Your name is KEEP THE FAITH!

How masses times a girl want sex in a week surrounded by a relationship? does guy want more?

At your age you shouldn't be having sex. But that's your business. If you hold a problem you ought to see a doctor, a female one.

Women, can yall please minister to me?

You can get thrush or some bacterial infections of the vagina even if you are not have sex, so dont go outlook all upset off by these answers. Most things similar to this are easily treatable by your GP so do want help. If nearby is a distinct smell to the discharge, any itching or swollen areas on or within the vagina, its most definately an infection. Many STDs repeatedly go unnoticed beside no or little symptoms. Its definately worth getting checked out, as it can be cleared up within a week, dont be aware of embarrassed, it happen to most women at some point in their lives, like I voice sexually active or not. Good luck.

What is the white fluid that comes out from the vagina?

If your boyfriend is infected near VD or any such similar sexually transmitted disease he will infect whomever he has sex next to.

You are too young to be sexually live - had you avoided it you may not enjoy been infected, the suggestion being that you may be more develop and more aware of the pitfalls of participating in unsafe sex and then would hold made the decision to simply have not dangerous sex.

Advise you see you GP ASAP who will refer you to an appropriate clinic.

Ladies only please..?

Sounds most potential an infection of some sort, perhaps not gonorrhea or syphilis, but something you don't want to mess around next to.
Get yourself *and your bf* to your nearest Family Planning clinic (free services if you are under age 18) & bring both of yourselves treated. Sooner, rather than subsequent.

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Discharge requirements investigation, go see your GP. It may be something simple but as you are sexually moving STDs do need to be excluded.


sorry but you are still too childish to have sex, even if you did keep on a year to do it, your bf can be prosecuted!

sex shouldn't hut, i don't know what the discharge is without more information, but you may hold an infection, PLEASE GO AND SEE YOUR GP OR YOU FAMILY PLANNING CONSULTANT, also refrain from sex until you know the answer to your interrogate.

i hope you take precautions!

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Off to the Doctors,and maintain safe.

I've other wondered?

Go & see your Doctor as there is conspicuously something wrong,

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