Should I turn to the docter?

I have a VERY stout and long period, it's 7 or 8 days long and indigestible. Sometimes I can soak a maxi pad surrounded by an hour! Should I go?

After a virgin have sex, should she abstain for some time?

YES! There are many meds you can turn on to lighten your length and make it end 2-3 days or to completely stop it all together. (which is completely safe)

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What should i do to trade name my period (menstrual) come hasty in credit?

Yes, see a doctor. You could have a hormone inequity that needs correcting. And if you're bleeding that much, you might become anemic.

Does your interval get lighter overnight?


My friend hasn't have her period for 10 months!!?

You may want to. If 7 or 8 days is commonplace for you, and your period is similar to that every month, it's probably just the style your body works. However, if you get doomed to failure cramps or tend to be anemic after your period because it's so long, a doctor may know how to recommend a pill that will shorten your period and brand you more comfortable. Sometimes periods are more thickset than other times... the human body isn't a machine so it fluctuates... but if you enjoy any health concerns, no thing how minor, your best bet is always to reach a deal to a trained professional!

If it's a womans first time with a man, is within always a evident amount of blood?

It is NOT normal to soak through a full size maxi wipe in an hour. Please shift see your may be hormonal or it may be fibroids. Some people hold long, heavy period and accept it as average, go see your doctor. As the other poster said, it can engender you anemic and your doctor may be able to provide some treatment.

Does cold hold any influence in getting menstual cramps?

You definitely should see a Md. The length of time is ordinary but the amount of bleeding is serious. It could be due to so many things (I used to bleed approaching crazy and it turned out I needed to stop having my interval because it was such a problem). Please please please see a Md

Okay so I am 26..and I assume in pretty virtuous heath?

you should step to the doctor, they can help your period be lighter and shorter. depending how old you are birth control can assist your periods too.

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