The ring Birth Control?

Have you or are you using the Nuva Ring Birth Control? If so did you have any immensity gain or any problems with this?

I also looked-for to know how long you need to lurk after starting the ring before you no longer have to use a back up contraceptive? (we enjoy been together for two years and both own been tested)

Been on birth control for roughly speaking 6 month now. Why hold I had my length for almost 2 months straight?

I have have friends that used the nuva ring.It is NOT safe to use..There hold been oodles women who have used them and have to have their ovaries taken out and one of my friends have to have a hysterectomy at 20.They are not secure in the most minuscule..Please find another form of birth control...

Ughkind of embarrasing, but i Have to ask?

What.if it was * up ancestors that bad it wouldn't be on the marketplace. Her friend obviously have other issues. It's not bad I newly started it. It takes 7 days to start working basically like the pill.

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