Birth control pleeeeeeeeeeease help! girls merely?

ok i asked on yahoo what to do to get rid of cramps and oodles people said birth control ... im 14 years older . if i went to my doctor and asked for birth control , would he enjoy to look at my vagina ? please help 10 points for best answer


Sorry did not supply enough info. ok so if you are 13years frail 120 pounds and 5'6 are you overweight?

A doctor will most likely embezzle your medical history in instruct to give you the most appropriate birth control. They will probably want to do an exam previously giving you a prescription to make sure you are tough and there are no medical cause for your cramps (such as cysts or endomitriosis). I know it sounds pretty scary. It really isn't that big of a business, though. This is their job and they are really professional about it. Besides, a woman should see a gynocologist every year for an exam and pap test. It is part of maintain your health as a woman.

Just yak to your mom. She should be able to comfort you find a good doctor and articulate you through this. She is your best resource. She has be through this already.

The medicine and vigour information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical direction or treatment for any medical conditions.

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