I am really skinny and i am 13 what can i eat to become a accurate shape.?

i am 6 stone

What foods are you not allowed to devour during your period?

Fruits and vegs, integral wheat breads and pastas, beans, milk, lean proteins (chicken breast, turkey, fish)...good luck! :)

Period questionNeed Advice ASAP?

It is VERY, VERY crucial to make sure you DON'T budge on diets when you're a teenager no thing how fat you reflect on you are unless your doctor reccommends it. Try following the Food Guide Pyramid's guidelines and eating a fair, nutritious meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and probably some healthy snacks, such as celery sticks, surrounded by between these main courses) Multivitamins, taken each day, also help, but check near your doctor before you try these.

Why AREN'T you on birth control?

The best item to do is to go to a nutritionist so that she can relate you how to balance your ingestion in ahealthy instrument ...or .try eating suitable healthy method in charge to gain some weight...& own a good body..

Can you carry pregnant if ?

If you're part of the frustrated minority that can't gain weightiness, there's not too much you can do short hurting your health. Going on second-hand goods food binges might help you gain bulk but cause other robustness problems. Try to eat forceful meals beside snacks between. Choose high calorie foods that are also decent, like peanut butter, tortillas, corn muffins, and frozen yogurt. Also, you can do a moment or two weight lifting to build up some muscle mass. If it's any consolation, most of us would love to get through whatever we want and not gain weightiness. Someday when you're older you'll probably gain more substance anyways. If nothing help, you should see a doctor since your weight seem almost dangerously low.

Idk if this is tmi, but i own a bump on my clitoris that itches a lot!?

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Do you own sex the same daytime after taking diflucan?

hang on a minute...
you cant be that skinny,
im 13 and im 5 stone ?
but im 5ft
what height are you ?

but if you perceive you are too skinny
just put away a lot of fruit and veg etc
dont try drinking burgers n stuff
cuz it will make you adjectives spots !

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