I necessitate help near this..?

I am 24yrs old.. I of late knew today that i enjoy Pcos..I cant stop crying... who ever has this syndrome... can u plz share me if medication like metformin work? does it rlly control it... plus i hear bout a surgery called ovarian drilling. does that help out if i did the surgery? I am not married... and im scared that if i do.. i hear its very difficult to own kids.. I am so scared. nd shocked....

I requirement a good medical cushion to sit on, so bladder and lower part of the pack of the body doesn't hurt?

I can totally relate with you. I be diagonsed with PCOS long in the past I got married and I started crying further on of my doctor. My mom and dad just couldn't get the message why I was crying because I didn't even want kids at that time!

Anyway, I nice of ignored everything my doctor said and 8 years following, I got married. I enjoy been trying to conceive for two years immediately with no luck. However, I am on metformin and though I hold still not get pregnant, my doctor advise I don't stop metformin until I do get pregnant. My suggestion to you is that even if you are not trying to get pregnant lately now, I imagine you should take metformin.

When you are all set to get pregnant, your doctor will recommend some fertility treatments if you are not competent to get pregnant on your own.

The surgery you are chitchat about is not a cure for PCOS but will trigger ovulation when you are in position to take pregnant. I am planning to bear this surgery before cessation of this month.

Don't worry, adjectives will be ok. Just take perfectionism of yourself and if you are overweight, make sure you exercise and try to aver a healthy cargo. This alone might help you when you are organized to conceive.

How long do you wear pantyliners?

awwwww. cry baby.

PLEASE ..ERGENT!plz plz plz plz plz?

Try the Natural Cures, it help. Stop crying now.

The protective instincts of a woman arise almost entirely from the female hormones in her body. These hormones are produced in a twosome of almond-shaped organs, known as the ovaries. They are situated thoughtful within the pelvis, one on respectively side of the uterus or womb. The two major womanly hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones give the woman strength and stamina and are largely responsible for the peculiarly feminine shape of her body. The ovaries start producing large quantity of estrogen, the dominant female hormone when a girl reach about 12 years of age. This enable her to grow rapidly and develop into a ordinary young woman. The commencement of menstruation at this time herald the reproductive phase of her life, when she can hold children. This phase may last for more or less 35 years. The menstrual flow is connected with the feminine function of ovulation or the passing of the egg cell or ovum from the ovary to the womb organized for fertilization. It is a provision of nature to cleanse the inner surface of the womb and see reproduction to take place usually. The flow normally last for about four days and have a rhythm of 28 days.

The main problem relating to menstrual flow are raw menstruation, stoppage of menstruation and excessive menstruation. These disorders are quite adjectives, but they are not normal. Healthy women, living according to instinctive laws and drinking diets of natural foods do not suffer from the monthly ordeal. Most menstrual disorders are cause by nutritional deficiencies which organize to deficiency and ungainly metabolism of the female sex hormones. These disorders are in a minute discussed briefly.

Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea, as it is called surrounded by medical parlance, is a very adjectives occurrence in our time. This disorder is traceable to a debilitated and toxic condition of the system contained by general and of the sex organs surrounded by particular due to a wrong diet, wrong style of living and agitated exhaustion. The throbbing may be felt any two or three days before or without delay before or during the flow.

Pain starting two or three days back the flow usually shows that the ovaries are not functioning properly. This is a glandular malfunction and a scrupulously planned natural diet will usually put matter right. For local treatment, hot sip baths on alternate nights for a week back the period is due will be importantly beneficial. Between periods, cold hipbaths will increase the tone of the ovaries.

Pain urgently before the flow commences is indicative of uterine flexion, which way that the position of the womb is abnormal. A professional nouns should be arranged to ascertain the position of the womb and corrective exercises undertaken lower than professional advice. Uterine flexion repeatedly occurs within women who are so thin that they hold lost internal fat and the ligament, on which the womb is suspended. General treatment along dietetic lines is essential along next to corrective exercises.

When the pain occur during menstruation, it usually means that the womb itself is inflamed. This condition can be relieved by proper attention to diet and hot hipbaths only just before the spell is due and cold hip baths between the periods. The hot hipbath is commonly taken for 8-10 minutes at a water heat of 100 degrees F which can be unhurriedly increased to 120 degrees F. The cold hipbath should be taken for 10 to 15 minutes at a hose temperature of 50 degree F to 65 degrees F.

Amenorrhea or stoppage of menstrual flow: Stoppage of menstruation is intuitive during pregnancy and at the menopause, but abnormal at any other time. It is true that some women hold very infrequent period but this seems to be peculiar to their picky type and cannot be termed as stoppage. If, however, the period have be quite regular for various years and then suddenly stop or the cycle become frequently interrupted, it denotes a debilitated and devitalized condition of the system, especially of the sex organ. Causes contributing towards this condition are anemia, verbs, grief, fright or other serious emotional disturbances, defect of the womb, tuberculosis, displacement of womb and debility, especially after a serious illness. The treatment for amenorrhea should be directed towards the rectification of the disease-condition responsible for cause the trouble in the first place. Along next to this, a course of general health-building treatment should also be carried out. If serious stimulating disturbance has cause the trouble, an initial period of quietness and rest is essential to the treatment. All excitement, excessive mental strain and study should be avoided for a considerable term.

Menorrhea or excessive menstruation: Profuse menstrual flow is common within certain women and usually denotes a blood negative amount, especially blood calcium. A variety of cause may be responsible for this trouble, but toxic condition of the system is at the root of the matter. It is essential to save the patient completely quiet and confined to bed. The bottom of the bed should be raise 10 cm to 13 cm. In case of excessive bleeding, a gauze may be inserted in the vagina as a stopgap measure.

For the first few days the diet should consist singular of milk and raw vegetables. No stimulants should be taken, as they tend to increase the flow. When the bleeding have stopped, great care should be taken to avoid over exertion or straining the body in any demeanour. A full nature cure diet should after be adopted using fresh vegetables untreated salads twice daily. As a long-term index, what is needed is a scheme of treatment, which will thoroughly cleanse the system of toxic things.

Treatment: The various disorders relating to menstrual flow are indicative of the low rank of a woman’s health and a toxic condition of her sex organism, which have been brought in the region of by wrong habits of living, especially wrong dietary behaviour. These disorders are made more deep-seated and chronic by modern medical efforts to concordat with them through the suppressive agency of surgery and drugs. The disorders individual systemic in descent can be tackled single by treating the system as a whole so as to remove the toxicity from the body and build up the standard health-level of the sufferer.

To undertake such a hatch up of all round health-building treatment, the sufferer from menstrual disorders should inaugurate with an all-fruit diet for something like five days. In this regimen, the patient should own three meals a morning of fresh, juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, papaya, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melon. No other foodstuff should be taken; otherwise the meaning of the whole treatment will be lost. However, if here is much weight loss on the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may make a payment a glass of milk to respectively fruit meal. During this time of year the bowels should be cleansed daily next to a warm hose down enema.

After the all-fruit diet, the sufferer should adopt a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

Upon rising: A glass of lukewarm marine mixed with the freshly squeezed liquid of half a lime and a spoon of honey.
Breakfast: Fresh fruits such as apple, red, grapes, papaya, banana and milk.
Lunch: A bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, and beans, two or three whole wheat chappatis.
Mid-afternoon: A chalice of carrot juice or sugarcane liquid.
Dinner: A large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad using adjectives available vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, radish, red beets and onion and mung bean sprouts.
Bedtime snack: A glass of fresh milk or an apple.

The diet factor is of the utmost rush. Fruits and salads, nature’s body-cleansing and health-restoring foods, must form the bulk of the future diet along near whole grain, nuts, and seeds, especially contained by sprouted forms. Frequent small meals should be taken instead of few roomy ones to prevent low blood sugar which is common during menstruation. The foods which should be avoided in adjectives are white-flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, discreet cereals, flesh foods, rich, immense, or greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, strong tea, coffee, pickles, condiments, and sauces. Smoking, if habitual, should be given up completely as it aggravates menstrual disorders.

A further short time of year on all-fruit, say two or three consecutive days can be undertake at monthly intervals, according to the need of the skin. The morning dry friction and cold hipbaths should form a regular feature of the treatment. All cold baths should, however, be suspended during the menstrual length.

Certain remedies have be found useful surrounded by menstrual disorders. Cooked banana flower eaten near curd is one of the more important of such remedies. The banana flower appears to increase progesterone hormone and moderate the bleeding.

Beet juice have been found fundamentally effective for menstrual disorders. It should be used surrounded by small quantities of 60 to 90 grams, at a time two or three times a daytime in these conditions. Coriander seed are highly beneficial surrounded by the treatment of excessive menstruation. Six grams of these seeds should be boiled contained by half a litre of dampen. It should be taken off the fire when with the sole purpose half the hose down remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the patient should drink it when it is still heat.

Ginger has be useful contained by menstrual disorders. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cupful of water for few minutes. The infection sweetened near sugar should be used thrice daily after meal as a medicine for dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea due to exposure to cold wind and taking cold baths.

Sesame seeds are also adjectives in menstrual disorders. Half a teaspoonful of powder of these seed taken with hot sea twice daily act excellently in reducing spasmodic strain during menstruation in young unmarried anemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected period, cures scanty menstruation. Warm hipbath containing a handful of bruised sesame seed should be simultaneously taken along with this acceptance.

Safflower seeds hold also been found to be beneficial surrounded by the treatment of painful menstruation. A decoction prepared by boiling two teaspoonfuls of powdered seed in 120 ml. of dampen should be given as a remedy for this condition. Dried flowers mixed with confection of rose can also be given as a drug for this purpose.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.

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