Worid about my 13 year behind the times...?

How much is she suposed to weigh... she is about 5ft. 2 within.

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5 2 and growing? -- Normal would be 100-120. However, havent you noticed through the years that children "chub out" and next shoot up? You can tell that a child is head for a growth spurt when they appear to be packing on the pounds. I can't tell if you are worried something like an underweight child or an overweight child. If you think she is anorexic - catch to a doctor soon you will need assistance with that. If you chew over she is a little overweight - cook improved and shop healthier. A bowl of fresh fruit on the counter can be only as enticing to a teen as a freezer full of ice cream.

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I would right to be heard your daughter should weigh about 105-110, but if she is vigorous and energetic, she is most predictable fine. My 14 year old is 5'4" and weigh 96 pounds. She is technically under freight but she is athletic and healthy so the doctor say not to worry. I am not sure if you estimate she is over or under weightiness, but I would go by how she feel.

Is this normal?

around 115-125 is ok for her as long as she isnt too skinny or chunky shes ok ask her doctor if you want another opinion.

I necessitate a new birth control method!!? HELP!!?

I'm 14 and growing, and i weigh run of the mill at 115 and i'm 5' 3" so i'm guessing anywhere from 5 lbs less to 5 lbs. more than me. It also depends, if the are big boned, or if the aren'tt it can append or take away a few extra pounds.

I am too tight; i can't hold sex. does anyone know a good cure for this? [real answers]?

There are a great deal of different factors to transport into account surrounded by calculating how much she should weigh, including bone structure and puberty. Since you don't say whether you're concerned that she's overweight or underweight, I've included a website for you to pop in which merely discusses everything.
Good luck!

Is there a path she can make herself tight again? an operation or something?

Between 8 and 9 stone is OK but if she is heavier than that after you should remember that she is beginning puberty and some excess cargo it likely to disappear on it's own. Also the psychological despoil which can be done from stressing a teenager give or take a few her weight can be much more far reaching and injurious than being somewhat over or underweight.

Most guidelines are designed for adults and not much help next to teenagers but you could try looking at Dr. Margaret Ashwell's web site. She feel waist measurement is a much more appropriate guide than basically weight or even body mass index.

Try and build sure that you daughter is eating at lowest possible 5 portions of fruit and veg a day (around 1lb within weight) drinking at least 3 pints of hose, getting enough calcium, (around 1pt of milk a daytime or half a pint and a yogurt or a small piece of cheese as a guideline) and getting a minimum of 30 mins exercise 5 times a week. That should assist keep her at the right immensity.

Being a few kilos underweight is more serious than being a few kilos overweight but any way unless you have a sneaking suspicion that it's serious try not to make too big a issue nearly it. If you are still concerned it may be worth consulting your doctor for advice.

Pregnancy sound out!! NEED ANSWER!?

im 14 im 5'3" and im 103 im not really sure if im underweight or not, but im really athletic and kinda petite

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