I'm losing sexual feeling.any view why?
Well, I know its a weird cross-examine.but hopefully someone can help me..
Do i hold vaginismus and what can i do to treat it?
well, that could be several things. are u taking any medication? under any stress? i know when i be getting the shot for birth control thats exactly how i felt have sex with my husband.
Are within benefits of being a "deferred bloomer"?
Try different positions and stuff, as some may reach (lol) places you've never feel ecstatic over earlier.Or try spicing it up in some way.
well hunny you appear to have some sort of STD.
possibly because your fiance have been cheating of you for a long time near that hooker up the way
go attain tested
don't give that dog your cheating near malayria
it's tooo many.
Help! bone density entity, Period?
you both should talk more or less this and better yet make conversation with ur relations doctor maybe you guys should thieve the next stepdifferent positions
longer time
but most of adjectives communcation
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Get it checked out. It could be a bacterial infection.Also, if you are on the pill, the pill can decrease your libido.