Women / nurses: What could this be? Period relief?

My periods generally last 5-7 days but presently I've had my term for 12 days and it is really heavy immediately -- no sign of it stopping, just LOTS of clotting. I enjoy an appt w/ a gyn next monday (soonest they could see me). Any thoughts on what this could be? I've never taken birth control pills. I'm 32.

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If at hand is any risk of pregnancy, it could be a miscarriage. Do a home pregnancy test, and see if you take a weak splash.
If that's what it is, there's nought to be done unless you are truly hemorrhaging. Just wait it out, and permit it take it's course.

It could also be dysfunctional uterine bleeding, which is cause by changes contained by your hormones. Or it could be a uterine fibroid.

If you soak a pad an hour for more than 2 hours, you want to be seen right away, even if it funds going to the ER. Same thing applies if the current hard to digest bleeding continues for 3 or more days. OR if you are feeling skinny, light head, or faint.

Otherwise, you can probably suspend on until the Monday appointment.

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I'm not sure what it could be, but if it's getting heavier I would go the ER. You own to be pretty weak too, I'd think, and you don't want it to get any worse.

If you're worried, travel now! Better nontoxic than sorry.
I hope you are ok!

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I would definitely see the doctor. It's strong to say, but it could be several things including endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or miscarriage. Be sure to file if any of your clotting is anything but normal red or brown, especially if it is purple or gray. If it get painful, you return with dizzy, or get tightness or intense dicomfort in your shoulders and nouns, go to the ER right away!

Some women experience heavier than normal flows from time to time, but twelves days next to continued clotting is a little long. Best of luck!


From personal experience if its really brawny and is clotting alot I'd go straight to the ER. I bled for 3 weeks beforehand going to the gyno and found out I was hemoraging and that I own a hormonal inbalance. Before this I hadnt had any trouble, my periods be always regular, on the dot, 2-3 days, fairly feathery until I didnt get it for 4 months and consequently that happened.

I preference I wouldn't have be so stubborn and went straight to the ER. As I be I imagine that you are exhausted, fatigued, and newly totally drained.

Please go to the ER because you can't loaf another week.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Is that possible ?

I enjoy been going through like type of thing for a year in a minute.
Mine last for something like 10 days, 2 days are unreal, I can't even change position short flooding out my pad.

I saw my gyno., and they did a blood experiment, and I was anemic, they also check your thyroid.

I be diagnosed with menorrhagia.

If your flow does not slow down by morning, you NEED to call for your gyno., and tell them. Insist on individual seen that time, tell them you will grasp a different Dr., if they won't see you. Tell them you are having severe bleeding beside clots, and will need to be see that day.
The bureau staff will usually accommodate you, if they don't fit you in, catch a different gyno., ASAP.

You should take iron for women, to lend a hand with the replacement of the blood you enjoy lost.

I would NOT wait until Monday!

I am currently waiting for my uterine cryoblation procedure to be done, YEA, I can't wait. I'm done have kids, so this should stop, or lessen my periods.

I longing you the best, and if you have more question about my procedure, email me!!

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