I have a pressure contained by my chest i think its due to gas,how do i gain rid of it?

any help or details on what to do to get hold of rid of it and btw I'm pregnant so no otc drugs please.

Whats a douch bag?

Drink milk since otc is out.

I hold heard using a Tampon dosen't hurt. But every time I use one it hurts. Why is this.?


Stomach Virus?

i seize the same point.. i hate it! Try to avoid gassy foods. resembling Rice, sodas, and dairy... Also try walking and doing some exercise .. it helps abundantly.. Rub Your chest like if u be a little kid and that help too..

Vaginal smell?

its not gas. you have acerbic reflux or heart burn. take a few tums or grasp some prilosec over the counter. and tums are great if you r pregnant. its just calcium

Shaving request for information!?

it's not gas if you feel it contained by your chest. it's heartburn or indigestion. avoid spicy foods. i know that's hard considering those pregnancy cravings.

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