Should we do it?

Im 15 and my bf is 16 we have be dating for over a year and mentioned sex earlier this week i be wondering if i should commit to having sex and if so what precautions do i transport.

Thank you


What is the best masturbating technique?

Please do not do that. We're taught to be so glib and "cosmopolitan" nearly such things, but here's what the movies and magazines don't recount you:

Sex changes the relationship - from time to time for the better. It gives you a false sense of intimacy and unrealistic expectations of respectively other.and it is a RARE relationship that survives sex outside the boundaries of marriage.

You commit yourself too soon to someone you truly not quite know - because at 16 he barely know himself. Neither you nor he are the people you be two years ago...a year ago.six month ago. How can you commit yourself so completely and so soon to someone who will likely be exceedingly different in his thoughts and priorities another six months from presently?

There is no such thing as risk-free sex. There is no birth control method that works 100% of the time. You can and probably will get pregnant. Abortion is not a retro form of birth control, it is murdering your own unborn child. And regardless of what you believe today, you will know this truth the minute you appropriate your legs out of the stirrups and put on a feminine pad for the bleeding. You will never grain the same more or less yourself again after an experience like that.

Sex doesn't tight the same things to boys that it does to girls.really. He won't regard anything of bedding down someone else if given half the fate (and he will be), while you may be "saving" yourself exclusively for him. Imagine your surprise when you wake up one morning, your legs and genitals covered beside painful, weeping blisters because your wandering boyfriend have given you herpes.


Sex is not power, a guarantee of undying love, or success for youl. Rather, it is an comatose plea for acceptance, reassurance of your personal worth, and it is a cheat and a cheat. You'll find this out when you see your boyfriend's "affections" (translated hard ons) gravitating towards someone else, because eventually it will be zilch more than conquest for him. Even if he cares for you today, that will probably money, and you'll become nothing more than a number to his departed.

The only true precaution you can embezzle - for your heart, your head, and your duration, is DON'T DO IT. It isn't everything it's portrayed to be...and girls your age rarely hold orgasms with a boy, (don't believe the hype recitation you otherwise), so sex won't even truly be satisfying for you. He'll own a good time almost assuredly...but that righteous time won't be enough to preserve him around for the long haul, gentle for you.

And if he REALLY cares for you - he won't put you surrounded by this position. He'll treat you with what's within his heart - not in his pant.

Best wishes - be wise and swot from one who has be there, done that, and I didn't listen to the one who warn me, and I did suffer all the consequences!!! You don't own to..

Its not the same hole is it?

thats too infantile. wait until you're an full-size

How tall will my sister be?

If you hold to ask if it's "okay" you're too young.

Is it ok 2 enjoy sex during your "time of the month"?

if ur not ready dont. use a condom!! please!

Iam a girl of 20.iam a pcos suffer.want to loose solidity.?

If you have talk about what you will do if an fluky pregnancy occurs and are liable to risk that then you are geared up. Be sure this is someone you would spend the rest of your life near. Sex is about sharing your love beside someone you want to spend the rest of your life near. For precautions you need condoms and preferrably a second type of birth control. You also call for that emergency plan in place contained by case you do seize pregnant.

Anyone know what my lumps are?

from personal experience, I can tell you that I wait until I met my husband to have sex. It make for a healthier and more trusting relationship when your spouse and yourself experience everything together- especially sexually. It is a big division of marriage that you do not want ruined. So, if you are sure at age 15 that this is the entity you want to be with for the rest of your life span, then do it. No regrets surrounded by life!!

Does anyone know any tricks for putting in the instead softcup?

No -- you won't apologize for if you don't, but you might (probably!) be sorry if you do. If your bf is putting pressure on you, after he's not worth your virginity, anyway.

I am very worried in the region of my mom, is there something wrong next to her?

Obviously, this is a decision that you stipulation to make. I suggest waiting until you are married, but if you don't you should do some research on contraception and consequences of have sex.

If you decide to hold sex, you should use a condom. You may want to talk to your parents give or take a few birth control pills.

Having sex is a big commitment and is an emotional item. Think long and hard in the order of this decision, as you don't want to regret anything if you settle on to go forward next to it.

Okay if yur gonna get a shot how long does it usually hold caz i am really scaredbooster shot?

nah, dont do it
wait till you're an developed to do adult things.
You'll thank me in the long run.

Is it usual for a white girl to have?

I would relate you to wait until you're married, but if you are going to do it, receive sure you use some type of protection. Be careful. There's lots of diseases out in attendance and you don't need a child this young. You can win condoms at a helth dept. for free.

I was told I have low grade pre cancerous cell after my pap results and biopsy?

Don't do it!! When you have sex next to a guy you create this bond with him. If you guy brake up it will be super thorny for you. Wait till your married. If you have to condoms and sperm aside. Don't carry pregnant. Really just don't do it.

Women who own use breast enhancing pills?

Don't do it! It's just too risky, and you don't want to become pregnant. It's better and safer to lurk.

Feeling pregnant?

no please don't make a mistake you will regret ok you and him and you are thoroughly to young nearby more to life than only sex at 15,16 explore have fun soak up your life until you return with older please !! iam a mother of 6 kids and i have my first at 17 and i am 29 now ok yah get the impression me there more to energy k...

Lump under underneath arm/armpit area?

i infer that if you believe you are emotionaly ready than do it but consider long and hard a bout your desicion b/c you may regret it for the rest of your enthusiasm. i know your 15 so your gonna do what you want but be sure you really want to do it and if youve beendating less later 5 mo its tooo soon! please use protection if you decide to do it. righteous luck and be carefull.

What is the result of orgasm in women? In menyou know.?

No, don't do it. Wait til you're an mature, it's much better. I

Is it normal to touch and look run down sometimes?

do as long as he wears a condom an you should deside what positions you should do

What would make happen liver enzymes in a pregnant woman to continually increase?

It's unauthorized for you to have sex until you get the age of consent (usually 16 or 18). Your boyfriend could be charged with rape, and inhabitants with sex offenses against children don't do greatly well surrounded by life - not a soul likes a kiddy-fiddler - You can't even drive a taxicab where I come from if you hold a conviction for a sex crime, even if it is statutory rape.

But if you are going to have sex, variety sure that you put the condom on him as soon as he gets tricky. You need to put it on him back he starts producing pre-come - the clear slippery stuff. Pre-come contains sperm too. My friends now own a baby girl because they get pre-come on the outside of the condom while putting it on.

How long can you?

i think that if you deduce that he is a special person and you perceive comfortable being near him and you know he would never hurt you then you should hold sex with him. and obviously you are too young for children so create sure you use condoms or birth control or something.

Ladies Only!!?

i know at your age having sex is something that would be considered a big step in a relationship, i cannot communicate you to have or not to own sex, just hold in mind that even if you do pinch all the protected measures available, also, if something goes wrong, is this the guy you are inclined to have a kid next to? will he help you through doesn`t matter what you decide to do next to the pregnancy? does he get along beside your family resourcefully enough to run through all that? Not with the sole purpose that, but remember you only take one chance for your 'first time' at something, simply think it through and don't rush into anything that you are not sure you want to commit to. And if you do agree on to go through beside it, make sure you don't consent to this become the whole gist of your relationship. Also make sure that you other, once again, always practice out of danger sex... you are young and don't want to enjoy anything ruined because of a bad choice... Remember it's your choice what to do to your own self...

Birth control + sex press.?

use a condom

What was this outlook?

Ur too young and so i am i lol
loaf until u are married! for sure
my gymnastics coach was once recitation me that she had sex when she be 16! and it was the biggest mistake she have ever made.. because now she is married to a differ guy.
and she can't provide him a part of her. approaching he did cause he is a virgin when they get married. cause when u enjoy sex with someone for the first time u are giving him a subdivision of u that u can't give to anyone else so don't idle away it!
and plus think of adjectives the disease u can get! some u live next to ur whole natural life! even if u use a condom doesn't matter here is still a risk. and worse what if u get pergent! how are going to transport care of a child. ur going to hold to drop out of high institution and all these other things. expect!
stick to making out lol
hope u make the right descion
pinch care <33

Morning after pill?

Please keep on. I started early beside my first love, and although it was next to someone very special, I desire I would have wait. After almost 2 years we broke up, and being experienced at sex made it easier for me to distribute in to adjectives boyfriends who turned out to be jerks. Sex become less influential to me when it should be a loving and intimate moment. I was lucky (very lucky) that I never get pregnant as a teenager. Raising children is complicated enough contained by your mid twenties. So please wait. Respect your sex enthusiasm, and give yourself something to look forward to.

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