
i just now be practicing putting in a tampon for the first time, even though i am not on my period. i in recent times wanted to be prepared so i would know how to do it when i was on my interval. anyway, i just tried to tug it out to get it out, and it won't come out! what do i do? please give support to! i'm not on my period, so it won't get full. so what can i do?

Is it true?

Just insert your fingers to lug it out, it won't hurt but you do need to get it out as it could effect an infection if left in. (TSS even).

Don't verbs, it'll be ok :)

Im 14 going on 15 and my breasts are tiny they havent grown since I be 11 :(?

First of all, calm down. Suppress that urge to hysterics. When women are in childbirth, they push (like when you go #2) which is call bearing down. The muscles at the vaginal opening are particularly strong so it is important to try and relax. Try different positions. Stand with legs apart beside knees slightly bent (like an old lady) and try pulling while bearing down from that position. Another is to feign on your back or side with knees bent and try pulling while stance down. If you still have trouble, don't panic. Wash your appendage thoroughly. Put some vaseline, aloe vera gel, very mild lotion or something similar on the fingers of one hand. Insert your fingers into your vagina and attempt to grasp the vaseline around the sides of the tampon. This should lubricate you enough so you can pull the tampon out while stance down. If after 24 hours or so it still won't come out, you'll need to see your doctor to have it removed.

This is an shameful interview, but I have to ask?

Ok relax! Even though you do not own your period it still can get full when you urinate. (I know different places, but it does) I hold put tampons in when I thought I was at the termination of my period, when actually I be over it.

You can also sit down take a deep breath and when you agree to it out pull the string... Might hurt a little but you inevitability to stay relaxed to pull it out...

How does it get the impression to ovulate?

nothing is wrong
the individual problem is there is no liquid so it wont come out
carry in the shower and open your legs and you know verbs it apart like when you put the tampon in
and run sea into it

once you get it wet it should come out

also you could stick your fingers up and get hold of it
or just pull it will hurt but it will come out

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powerfully, when you don't have any blood coming into the tampon, the tampon usually stays rigid and hard, so it's profoundly harder to get out, and you could also have it within crooked. i had the same problem. it may nick a while, and if the string doesn't work, although it may hurt, you'll have to put your fingers up there, wrap them around the tampon, and verbs. it hurts, but it works.

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Yes, because you are dry it may hurt but you need to remove it. AND if the string breaks you will need to realize in and get hold of the tampon itself. Leaving it contained by could lead to an infection and that can be very precarious. When you do have your period this will not be a problem because you won't be dry inside.

How do i know when iget my length?

ok firstly rational enough you wanted to tryout it out but you are not supposed to put a tampon in unless on your period!! secondly dont frenzy bend your knees slightly and pull on the string - dont be afraid to pull on it - only relax and breathe in and out whilst doing it b4 u know it it will be out and you will know not to do it again until ur period! relax!!

Question roughly sex.. first time?

ok you shouldnt be putting surrounded by tampon when your not on your period but try taking a bath and letting the sea absorb into the tampon and then try pulling it out
dont cut the string but if it doesnt come out
even if its embarassing your going to hold to go to the doctor!

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oh god, bad notion. if your not on your period, then your vagina isnt lubricated, so this is going to hurt. okay, powerfully grab the string as close to your vagina as possible, and pull rugged, but slowly. maybe try to get it drizzling first? just splash a little river on it. sorry =/ hope i helped.

BMI quiz?

Are you serious? Er...stand with your foot really far apart, knees bent, (pretend like you're a football player at the starting line), get a upright grip on the base of the tampon, NOT just the string, and verbs.
I don't know what to tell you if that doesn't work.
That sounds painful.

Vagina Smell?

wow,thats a rlly fearsome situation and the fact that ur sittin there typing this press with a dry tampon in..adjectives i can say is you have to procure it out it will prolly hurt but just try rlly hard to draw from it out..idk if thats healthy?

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be calm and try different positions to verbs it out., It will most likely hurt but you have to bring back it out. Tampons carry a serious risk of getting TSS which you can get sick from and die from. JSYK

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i am not sure i hold not had that happen to me beforehand. i would talk to my parents to see if they can help me and i would appointment my family doctor and see what they say. im sorry i am a no minister to. good luck.

Advice on losing virginity?

Try soaking in the tub. Sounds abnormal, but it works better than just ripping it out.
And for future citation, don't use tampons when you're not on your period.


You shouldn't have put it near in the first place. To get it out, you enjoy to relax completely. If you relax your muscles will let it slide out. If not tell your mom.

Dizziness putting a tampon surrounded by?

Sit on the toilet and see if it will slide down to where on earth you can. If not your going to have to go to the hospital.

Pregnancy possibility? or something else...stipulation minister to?

Relax. That's what you do. This might give support to, try sitting in real reheat water, relaxing, and GENTLY pulling it out.

Can you??


Lump surrounded by vagina?

Try taking in out surrounded by the shower. It may be easier when the cord is wet.

Don't worry, it will come out.. don't be afraid to PULL!!

Sex for the first time, inevitability relieve please?

Ask your mom to assistance you. It's not healthy at ALL to put a tampon in while your not on your time of year.

10 points and few stars woman individual minister to me please?

Tie a cinder block to the string and throw the cinder block out of a second story window...

I Need Real Answers! About Bleeding after an orgasm.?

Try to pry it out and if it doesn't work tell your mom or something. even though it will be awkward


try to stir to the bathroom it sounds yucky but its the only way to acquire it out since its dry and nothing to wet it beside

3 period inside a month and a partially??

ok sit on the toliet and relax you need to relax lean back and verbs out slowley dont pull too fast any more problem e- messages me

GIRLS ONLY. Menstrual/Sexual Intercourse?

Put one foot up on the toliet.RELAX...don't panic. and pull on the string. It will come out. Good luck.

Tampon..8 hours surrounded by?

try pulling it out surrounded by diffrent angles hope that helps

Does birth control motivation discomfort and swelling within one breast at a time?

pull it close to youve never pulled before!

The mini pill question...?

the fact that you are asking this on the internet is crazy, little boys and girls can be reading this cast-offs. So i suggest going to your doctor. GOOD LUCK!

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you just need to verbs it out. you're having a hard time getting it out because you are not supposed to put one surrounded by when you don't have your period. but i know what you scrounging in wanting to be prepared. i had to use my first one at horse pay for riding camp! before i go on the pill my periods were horrible. i never know when they were going to be and it just so happen to be that day. I woke up my sheets were soaked contained by blood and so were my new pajama pant. the girls there had to update me kinda talk me through it the first time. trust me it will come out a lot easier when you are in actual fact bleeding.

The sides of m breasts enjoy be itchy. should i put hydrocortison or are they a short time ago growing?

Wait it out...if you have to go potty that should dislodge it. And FYI...right on the box it states that you should not try to put one contained by unless you are on your period. Good Luck.

I'm am 14 almost 15 and i am 5'1 and i weigh 90 pounds?

lmfao...u really didnt have anything else to do? put some hose on it or pee on it and it will come out. your cooch is gonna b dry for some time to come

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