Tampon Problems (Girls Only!!No Guys!)?

Ok so I'm 12 almost 13 years old and I am goin swimming tomrrow beside a couple of friends and I have my term. So I decided to try using a tampon and I read in a puberty book how to put it in and everything. I tried to put it in similar to a few hours ago but it wouldnt go in plan like it didnt fit! I tried give or take a few three times and it was really bumpy and it felt similar to it was toooo dry to know how to slide up there. Does anyone know why it wont move about in or if i'm doing something wrong? Please inform me because i need to know by tomrrow .
-Thank You

What is intercourse?

did you put it in the right hole.. and why is it dry when you are on your time?

How long does it take?

umm formulate sure its in the right spot its the second hole not the first one and try to win it wet consequently try or you might not be ready to hold one because your not on your period hope that help!

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Put a little vaseline around the tube - immensely little is needed. That should help - within the meantime, keep trying. All you call for is a little practice.

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I conjecture they have slim ones for teens, I don`t know you should try those?

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if you are on your period, your vagina should be lubricated sufficiently beside the blood. You may be using a tampon that is too big. You should use a buoyant day or slim tampon when your starting out. Hope this help.

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It should have a plastic or white cardboard applicator around it. You own to put it in next to the applicator still around it and then push it out of the applicator once it's inside you. If it feel too dry with the applicator later you may want to try putting a little vaseline on the applicator. Some citizens also find it easier to put them in standing/sitting/one leg up - try some different positions. Good luck.

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go get some slim fit tampons, those are the single ones that I can wear, they are a little slimmer than the others and they are easier to put surrounded by.

Missed period prob?

Maybe try asking your mom, or an elder female resembling an aunt or someone? Try using the smallest size possible. Sometimes it helps to put your foot on the toilet, and the other on the ground. And RELAX. I know it kinda sounds chance, but you could find a hand held mirror and look and next insert it. It does help. Remember other to relax.

Hope you get it surrounded by!

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umm if you got a regular size it should fit--one size fits all-- and if its your first time using one its going to be self-conscious but you could try using a lite sized one instead..also if its a plastic applicator it will be way easier to use. hope this help

My boobs?

no way.. dont put vaseline, its not worthy to have petrolium jelly surrounded by there. you should mop the outter plastic with wet and it should slide right up, this really has to be done the right bearing and normally the tompon boxes enjoy a little instructions guide inside, that help alot. hope this helps!

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Try a lighter absorbency tampon or slender regular for teens. Also you may want to use a little saliva or lubricant to aid with insertion if your flow is not heavily built enough to insert comfortably. Also, remember to relax. Breathe! It make a huge difference when trying something new.

Have any women have positive results?

1 if your on your period it shouldnt be dry
2 are you putting it in the right hole?
3 here are some different size tampons

More discharge than before. (i know its not a disease)?

yeah start beside a slim size and it feels close to it wont go contained by but if u get contained by just the right spot at the right angle it willll walk in. trust me i be scared to annihilation of putting them in but now im a pro. it took me 2 years and mega pressure from my mom to in reality get the courage to try them. but theyre sooo worth it !

btw...i dont recomment wipe it with a babe wipe...thats not very sanitary.remember...that things gonna be IN ur body..

and yes...a lubricant does back...and relax !!

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Periods stop contained by water!! so dont verbs. But as soon as your out of the pool or the sea it starts.
Have never agreed why, maybe the pressure of the hose down...but its true, i know. I had duplicate experience as u and when someone told me about the wet, i was so relieved. Nature is amazing.savour yr swimming

Does anyone know what I can take or do to start my extent? without taking birth control pills? I want to hold?

get like a squesse bottle and compress it with marine then put it surrounded by where the tampon go then squesse it and next wet the stop or the tampon applicator then put it contained by or use some jelly that the directions say to use close to lubricant jelly

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