Can I get pregnant if Im not on my length?

When can I get pregnant? Is it when i am on my time or off of my spell? Or can I get pregnent at any time? Please aid I really really need to know. And also, how powerful is birth control?

I'm 14 do you think?

First, at 18 your breasts are probably done growing. Things similar to weight gain and hormones can still effect them though.

Most women's cycle is anywhere from 28-36 days in length. Counting from the first day you start your length, say that's today, next today is day 1. Most women ovulate between day 14 and day 16, which is considered the most likely time to gain pregnant, with a few days supply or take depending on the natural life of the sperm (which can be up to 5 days in fertile mucus). Most women do not capture pregnant while they are on their period, but It is possible to win pregnant while on your period.

Birth control methods - the usefulness depends on whether or not you use them correctly and each and every time.

Knowing your body is the best entity you can do for yourself. Keeping track of your cycle, knowing when you ovulate, etc.

Am i harming myself??

Yes you can if you do it

How much blood is in reality lost when women have their interval?

If you don't know how reproduction works, then for petes sake do not own kids!

Whats going on.?

first of all I'm 21 and I'm almost sure a woman finishes growing and 18 ably i did any way lol and you can take pregnant at any time during your cycle but most commonly its in the middle of your cycle and the birth control you didn't mention which one but the most are 99.9% potent


You can get pregnant at anytime but in the region of 7-10 days after your period is when you are most feasible able to get hold of pregnant. And birthcontrol depending on the type is anywhere from 97% to 99.9% effective. If you are 18 you should be done growing to be exact until you get pregnant after you will start to grow again.

What are the signs of breast cancer?

Birth control is good but NEVER 100% forceful. It also depends which birth control you are talking roughly speaking. If you have a 28 light of day cycle for your period, you should ovulate around the 12th to 16th light of day. This means that if near are any sperm alive in your system, the probability to get pregnant is severely high!

If you hold missed your period, move about to a pharmacy and buy a "URINE TEST KIT" for pregnancy. If you are pregnant and if you don't want a baby... it is other more effective if you own seen a doctor EARLIER!! (Not that I support abortion) But if to be precise the best solution, something can be done easier when its early, (like taking a pill or something)...

The size of the breast is fundamentally FATS. As long as you cut on carbohydrates and exercise, you should maintain the size of it.

Girls answer solely and doctors?

i hope that you don't feel free to own crazy sex after the information that I am going to give u. Be smart, and remember STD (sexual Transmited Diseases) are the worst and you can take them just touching your parts whith a pennis.
To answer your question yes, that is how you take pregnant, after 14 days of your the first day of your period. The best birth control EVER is the CONDOMS, that will protect you from pregnancies and from STD. NEVER tolerate ANY pennis touch your vagina area short a condom, why? well, because to be precise how you get STD. Would you touch somebody's skin if you see that it looks close to it has a disease? NO YOU WON'T, but guess what when you are have sex most of the times you don get to EXAMIN the guys pennis past your parts touch you. Am I wrong? I know I am not! Guys will hate it, but how care, you are taking care of your self and if they are smart ample they WILL NOT touch you either, because of indistinguishable reason.
Lets speak that you get a guy that you really close to and he want to go NO CONDOM next to you ... RED FLAG that means that he hold done it before and he might not even know if he have gonorrhea, syphillis, chlamydia or genital herpes.
For your own protection ALWAYS carry a 2 double act of condoms, why 4? because they brake and you should take likelihood.

How long did you spot or bleed after insertion of PARAGUARD IUD?

A woman is most fertile about 2 weeks from the winding up of her cycle. If you have a 28 hours of daylight cycle, then you are most fertile 14 days after the first day of your interval. You can get pregnant while you're on your length if you have short cycles and ovulate soon after the terminate of your period. It's much smaller quantity likely. You are most feasible to get pregnant in a day or two of the time you ovulate. If you requirement help tracking your cycles, you can drop by However, remember sperm can live inside the body up to 5 days. Use birth control ALL the time, as there is no true "safe" time. The pill, taken correctly is over 99% forceful. However the effectiveness drops when you "miss" pills or help yourself to them late, etc. Please, err on the side of notify and take them at duplicate time every day. If you are not sure your partner is free of STIs, later you should be using condoms all the time. Remember, undisruptive sex or no sex at all.

PS-You, and your breasts usually stop "growing" 2 years after you start your interval, though weight gain and pregnancy can wreak your breasts to increase in size.

I have couple of question about menopause? I devise.?

yes u can but u can have sex during term u wont get pregnent solitary 80% u might

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