Am on the mini pill but would like to try the coil, as i want a length every month and don't want side affects

Been on the mini pill for about 1 & partly years its called cerezet. Its stopped my period i have one immediately & then. I gain bad mood swings and own lost my sex drive completly, so i want to try somthing different to see if this helps. I be thinking of the coil, but the coil which doesn't release the hormone. Is the coil effective surrounded by preventing pregnancy, do you get heaps side effects, does it hurt when getting it inserted, i have also have BV in times past and could getting the coil cause this to reoccur

How much?

Go support to your Doctor
and tell him how you grain
also ask him/her , what the pros's and cons of the coil are .

The form of contraception you use ,should be tailored,
for you exclusively

Your doctor or practise nurse will be able to discuss,
adjectives this with you, surrounded by a a personal way,

we are adjectives different , so what suits one woman,
may not suit another .

The Doctor can also tell you, how effectual the different methods of contraceptives are .

so you can make an informed choice

Always ASK

adjectives the best


Recently when me and my boyfriend have sex, after ward i start to bleed brownish blood.?

Apparently some people bleed alot when they first acquire it done, and sometimes it can make your period heavier.

It slightly hurts like spell cramp.

And my friend was born even though her mum have the coil! So just close to any other method there is still a uncertainty!

What are the chances of preganacy if nuva ring slips out?

if you dont want side effects (like me) use condoms, i get the impression like i get hold of enough chemicals contained by my body thru daily accomplishments, so i choose not to take any form of birth control, except condoms, and i would probably use a diaphragm if i have one..

Soreness around the outside of my belly button area?

All medication including the coil can cause side effects such as the one the previous poster mentioned: irregular bleeding to start near. The insertion has the potential to be scratchy.

An option for you to aid with the moods is to try taking B6 in any a bottle by itself or as part of B Complex. You can find them at Wal-Mart or other big identify drugstores as well as at The Vitamin Shoppe (you can also instruct from them by going online).

I have found B Complex to be vastly helpful for me.

What Else can i Try ?

Not with the sole purpose does it hurt but it has markedly major risks. It can inflict serious heath problems and I don't expect it's worth it. I know four people who did it and adjectives of them experienced problems! I think you should try a different pill. Different types of pills effect culture in different ways. Like near a lot of medicence you hold to try a few before you find one that fits you. It took my best friends two tries but she finally found one that doesn't explanation her mood swings. I would also suggest maybe the patch or shot adjectives three are WAY BETTER options than the coil. Ask a doctor at a Free Health Clinic I'm sure he'll agree.

Do You Have IBS?

I enjoy one for the same reason my moods were so down on any hormones. Its said to be 98/99 percent effectual. Nothing is 100 as we all know. When its inserted it's close to period strain it's a little mortified for a couple of days but nothing central. You usually will have slightly heavier period for first couple of months but these will pan out. It in actuality made mine lighter and longer which is fab. The coil could make you BV flare up but you win checked for any traces before insert and can be effectively treated as they know whats going on. The single other thing is the opening of epitomic pregnancy is slightly higher because the coil blocks your womb roughly. This is the best thing I own had because any hormones dispatch me doo lally. You will be able to check if it's still within as well you entail to make sure you check in the past any action because it can become dislodged but this is usually contained by first couple opf months. The main risks are near insertion after this it has smaller amount side effects than pills or hormone based contraceptives.

Red bump on vaginia?

Have you thought roughly trying Natural Family Planning? Recent studies have shown that women who use NFP enjoy just a 0.4% uncertainty of getting pregnant. Modern NFP is as effective as other methods of contraception. It also have no side effects, no long term implication for your fertility and is immediately reversible when you do opt to have a family connections.
The Couple to Couple League run classes and have an excellent home study course which I can outstandingly recommend.
Good luck with your ruling.

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