Switching birth control and start of interval?

I recenlty switched from Ortho-Tricyclen Lo to Ortho-Tricyclen Regular. Today my period have stared a week early. I needed to know if anyone has have similar experiences with these two b/c brands or any other brand for that event. I don't think I involve to be concerned, but I'd like to hear any experiences. Serious answers with the sole purpose, and don't tell me to be in motion to the doctor---I know that on my own. I'm just looking for similar experiences.appreciation.

Is it normal for a woman to be on her menstrual for one month, when usually she is on it for 3 to 4 days?

Do you take them at the exact same time every time? I learned on the pill that mortal even an hour late would wreak me to have breakthrough bleeding. Also, I enjoy more problems (not just breakthrough bleeding but cramps, moodiness, etc) on the complex hormone stuff than I did on the Lo. I wonder if you have have a baby just now? The reason I ask is, the Lo is recurrently prescribed to nursing mothers. If so, expect everything to be out of whack for a year or so.

And yeah, like someone else here said (but short the call-a-dr-suggestion) it is common to hold breakthrough bleeding any time you switch. You know how allergies work? Your body encounters something and think it's bad, so it tries to protect itself.contained by the process causing sneezing, stuffiness, and other horrid symptoms. The allergen isn't really the cause- it's the body misinterpreting it.

Birth control can be described similarly. Your body isn't used to those hormones coming from an outside source, so sometimes it overreacts.

Last thing I'll share, overall birth control experiences (in grip you decide the Pill isn't working out and try switching again):
Ortho Lo dose- worked fine, but I fear getting pregnant especially since I'd forget to take it.
Ortho Regular- similar except more breakthrough bleeding and cramping.
Depo Provera shot- made me insane, literally suicidal. Also, my arm (the one the shot be in) went completely numb and limp weight while driving home from the clinic, nearly cause me to run off the road. Took me MONTHS to capture over, even after it was supposed to hold worn off.
NuvaRing- best article I've tried so far. Been on it for a year without getting pregnant. Haven't be perfectly regular next to my period, but until the ending 2 months, pretty much so. I think I don`t know the hormones are starting to sort of build up in my system and it's time to switch, but for the first 10 months, Nuva was foolproof.

Can any one help me beside premenstrual dysphoric disorder?

really you shouldnt switch birth controlls for the reason that it will disturb your term cycle

What does progestrone cream help beside?

It is common when switching birth control types that in that is some breakthrough bleeding. Keep taking the pills as directed. You should be closer to normal subsequent month. If after two months, you aren't in sync phone up your MD and see if s/he is worried about the time change.

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