Abnormal pap smear?

i be diagnosed next to the hpv virus within november and have a colopscopy done, and i hold to own one done again subsequent month. my ask is that if this one is extraordinary again will i hold to own another biopsy done?

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I agree you should ask your doctor, but I am sending you links beside information:
*American College of O&G
Abnormal Pap Test Results :
National Cancer Institute
The Pap Test: Questions and Answers:

Please answer?

the HPV is vastly adjectives. if you own one to be exact out of the ordinary and you get hold of the problem taken keeping of, the subsequent one should come out average.

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Yes, disappointingly you will. If it's regular, you'll still enjoy to attain PAPs every 6 months instead of every year for a few times. Good luck!

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You suggest a colposcopy?
It depends on exactly what title of cervical dysplasia your 1st biopsy showed.
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I'm not up to date beside the HPV virus. But when you enjoy an nonstandard smear, yes, they will do it again. Better nontoxic than sorry. I have a smear done and I have a precancerous lesion of the cervix. The doctor did a "Cone Biopsy", and my paps hold be common ever since.

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This happen to me. I finished up have a LEEP procedure done because of mild dysplasia. This be going on for 10 years ago. I go to the OB/GYN every year and sometimes every 6 months if near is any dysplasia found. But I hold be doing fine.
Don't be afraid, you are going to be fine. A colposcopy is no big business. You a moment ago enjoy to produce sure to stop by your OB/GYN every year. Really, every woman requirements to.

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I adjectives so enjoy the HPV virus and suffered from the time I be 17 until this previous August when I be 26 and have to own a partial hysterectomy because of cervical cancer that be cause by the virus. You can most presently bet that you will never own a ordinary pap again. And as far as getting another biopsy i.e. up to you and your doctor, my push for would be to do what ever it take even though the biopsy hurts similar to nought else I can describe, I hold have 3 children and when I have my biopsy's I would of fairly of be contained by labor. Just create sure you receive a pap once every 3 months because HPV is one of the prime raison d`??tre within cervical cancer and the death contained by women and because you can progress from sever displasia to cancer and never know it until its to belated. Best wishes and my thoughts are next to you.

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Yes, if you enjoy any problems past your subsequent drop by christen your doctor. If caught precipitate you can hold it taken supervision of and you should not own anymore problems. Just follow the Doctors direction and you'll be fine, hold us updated.

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