Is it normal for a woman to be on her menstrual for one month, when customarily she is on it for 3 to 4 days?


Girls only?

Probably not thoroughly normal. I would suggest a call in with your doctor. IT won't hurt to go and get checked out.

How can I get and aids/hiv trial without my mom knowing?

no I did the smae entry and I found out that I have cists on my ovaries

I wans

o my honour! go to the doc.

Snorting adipex?


How can you notify if a girl is horny?

No, unless you've just given birth.

Help serious. what could it be?

No it is not. You will draw from iron deficiency if you verbs to bleed which can be dangerous. Also, it can be a sign of some hormonal problems, see a gynocologist as soon as possible.

Anyone have a D&C?

Absolutely not - seek medical relief as soon as possible. Good luck!


Sounds like me 26 years ago.

You requirement to go and obtain checked by your gynecologist. There is a strong possibility that you are experiencing fibroid tumors (not fatal) in your abdomen essential your uterus and/or ovaries.

If they are large (grapefruit size), removal is recommended by Western medical practioners.

Eating caffeine containing things will promote their growth.

I go to an acupuncturist for balancing treatments so that my body could reabsorb them to some extent than have surgery. My sister also have a very substantial one that she went for treatment by an accupuncturist for as very well. She never had surgery and the surgeon could not believe that it be gone after 3 months of accupuncture treatment. It is a very impressive method of treatment.

If you elect for surgery, if needed, that will not cure the problem and they will come back surrounded by another area. That be my sisters experience, then she found the accupuncturist the second cyst around and hasn't have any since.

My adivse is to go to an accupuncturist for treatment. You don't want the blotch, recovery, expense, and still own the same problem arise again. Surgery will not cure your problem.

The accupuncturist will set off your energy surrounded by your body so you obtain good function again. The treatments do not hurt. The needles are the size of a human hair and do not progress in far - of late a tiny ways in. It is an effective treatment. They stay contained by while you lay down for about 15-30 minutes.

Even if you don't own cysts you can go within for some balancing to straighten out your function.

Go into a Chinese or Korean grocery and ask who they recommend if you stipulation help finding one. They would be a great source. It is an intriguing and decisive treatment with great results. A 5,000 year feeble technique against Western medicine of just about 100 years. Who would you trust more? Also, the accupuncturist will permit you know if he/she can not help you. It is not credible but they are there to save you healthy, not impair you.

My treatment lasted for 3 months near a once a week visit. I am ancient 50 now, and no more womanly troubles since then.

Good luck near this. Don't delay going in to gain checked. Try to stay away from surgery and drugs, they will only mess your body up, trust me. Go the automatic route that will actually restore to health you and not cover up your underlying problem.

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