Why do lads other look at my boobs rather than my facade...?

its not fair...

Is it alright for a woman to masturbate a few times a year and have orgasm? Will it affect her condition in anyway

sorry can you repeat the quiz? my mind was elsewhere

Should I obtain a haircut even though I'm reasonably sure my barber is currently suffering form PMS?

have you tried chatting to guys that are taller than you?

Does having sex first time motivation irregular periods?

it`s a bloke entity

Mild cervical dysplasia?

Maybe you're ugly? Joke...I want more girls'd look at my meat chimney :(

I got three girlfriends in a minute and i need to agree to them all budge any suggestions?

try covering them then.

What is this?

Because they are laudatory your figure. It is annoying but flattering.

What could be cause my craving for fish?

I know the feeling honey. Spend the unbroken evening talkin to there c.ock and they will soon stop! And at the completion of the day, be proud of them!

Is this seriously true??(boobie question)?

Because their near

Being a girl sucks sometimes, please help.?

they can't lend a hand it

Why dont women get adjectives their chores done that are set for then beforehand they have their coffee mornings?

be well one day you will be married beside kids and they will take at hand toll on your breasts so enjoy the attention whilt it last

Information on my first pap smear and breast exam?

Try wearing some more clothes, a bit of mystery aint a bad piece!

Am i pregnant?

They are immature young-looking lads!

Fibroadenoma and Pregnancy?

Stop whining luv...your lucky you're being looked at at adjectives..

This is a female problem it have to do with my interval?

haha, this is the oggling habit of most men. more than partially the time in the conversation their eyes rest on breasts. its contained by their genes, dont worry.

Has anyone have hip dysplasia after having a tot?

Well if theyre big that's probably why, that's men for you!

Vaginal irritation (infection?) from periodontal infection?

because their perveted

Do you think low dose birth control pills are better than the tri- pills?

I can`t bear it too! Especially at work!

I tend to say "Are you okay? You seem to be to be having trouble speaking to my obverse. Are you alright?"

It's enough to embarrass them. I tried chitchat to their dicks but they just thought it be a come on and were flattered!

Do you devise women should be able to hold time off from work when it's that time of the month?

it`s what we do,,,

If a womanly squirts during sex does that mean she have an organism?

is that a bad item. let them look, if you want to take home them really happy wear tight shirts or dont wear a shirt. use them to your pre-eminence and give guys a touch pleasure

First period coming soon?

Enjoy it while you can - by the time you're 50 they'll be looking somewhere close by your waist level! All men are stuck with t*ts - its certain. They have no shame.

Painful period at 50?

maybe they like your boobs.

I am 19 n my penis size is 5 inch.will it gratify girls?

It IS a guy thing. We (many of us anyway) give the impression of being to be fascinated with the feminine breast. There are so many sizes and shapes and they are sexual. In some cultures, breasts are bare and it's no big thing (no pun intended). Some women own their breasts enlarged then achieve offended when we permit our gaze meander there. Or they wear clothing specifically cut 'down to there' and procure offended (or at lowest possible pretend to) when we men enjoy the "offering." We are not "perverts" as one yahoo noted. You must enjoy very enticing breasts for men to wallow in looking (and wondering how they look bared and how they would get the impression kissing and fondling them).
One person suggested staring at a man's crotch in retaliation. One of my wife's friends used to do that (not in retaliation), especially as she sit on couch as I served drinks. At first, I would check my zipper, then I realised she in recent times enjoyed looking. I mentioned it to my wife once and she said that female does look at guys' crotches a lot.
Not adjectives men are perverts so, take it as a compliment that men can appreciate your breasts, and close to someone else said, enjoy the attention immediately while you're young. An OLD friend (now surrounded by his 80's) told me that when he was first married, guys loved looking at his wife's breasts because they be so 'perky' but he never got spiteful because only HE saw them contained by all their glory. They aren't perky any more and he admit he misses that.

Is it normal to own a sharp pain?

all blokes are knob and they have singular 1 thing on mind sex!!

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