Why dont women attain all their chores done that are set for later before they enjoy their coffee mornings?


Do you shave everything before you travel to the gynecologist?

because we no longer live in the 1950s.

Girls Only please!! What's wrong beside me!!?

Hi,i do the house work in stages.Have no set routine as it would bore me.

I hold the weirdest things happening to me!?

Duh, you call for the coffee to have the force to do all that. I can communicate someone does YOUR chores.

Bumps .?

i can not function without my coffee so i own coffee first while watching the news and than do my house work.

Can anyone update me how effective palmers cocoa butter is to the body?

Set by whom? may I ask? If you, it is because you are not the master of your domain. Women hold a brain, and can decide for themselves.

I am 14 and how feeble are girls when they normally start their (.) If u no what i scrounging.?

I love your Geico commercials...

Stopping Birth Control?


funny. Nob.

I am 14 years old turning 15 in november. I own not started my period all the same. When will i start?

To delibratly annoy husbands and partners similar to you stuck in a time warp.

Why don't you try and back out before you dance off to work or what ever you do adjectives day?

Weight loss comfort!?

WHO set the CHORES for the woman to do?
What are you crazy?
Housework before wake up and having coffee?
What woman surrounded by their proper mind would let ANYONE update them they HAVE TO do ANYTHING ... especially before person able to get up up and have some coffee.
You must live surrounded by some turd world country, or fantasy park.

Do women appreciate men watching them work out at the Gym.?

Are you one of the Stepford Wives?

Condom was still surrounded by me what now?

Because they are not going to Kow tow to chauvinistic demands , and besides their to languorous and rather spend in dribs and drabs their time gathering near other broads talking going on for really important things similar to shoes and how one can spend ones husbands boyfriends money and nag him to make more !

Who know about Endometriose?

how come you don't do the chores and permit the woman relax and just drink her coffee

Yeast Infection?

I am the ruler of my home because it is true this not the 1950's. My husband and I earn an equal living and we share chores and if they are not adjectives done we just relax and see a good movie and savour each others company. I have work long hours and my hubby cleaned OUR kitchen and made me a nice sandwich and a glass of night light wine with a candle. I do like peas in a pod for him. I made him a beef pot roast with potatoes and carrot and I lit a candle with a cup of wine. we spend most of our time working in our twilight years because we have the relinquish nest syndrome and we love it. So the laundry is not quite done and a few dirty dishes contained by the sink. We are a team and YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT WHEN SHE GETS A BRAIN AND LEAVES YOR !

Do birth control pills really formulate you gain weight?

well beside my wife it's because I bring her breakfast in bed and then put together sweet passionate love to her contained by the shower.

I think I've get cystitis?

tony are you looking for a black eye or what,what do you do around the house ,? id speak your one of these guys that come home put the feet up and start giving adjectives the orders ,
next again may be no woman would have you ,that your a bit of a loner and own to do your own chores and drink coffee on your own [SAD].

Women or teenage girls:?

TONY I see how you win your morning started by pissing off tons of women near one question LOL.and by the approach.I take meticulousness of myself my husband 3 kids 5 dogs 2 cats and my house everyday with no caffeine at adjectives.

Is there any specific food you entail to eat surrounded by order to increase breast size? I doubt it but its worth a shot?

Are you serious?
Well if you are, permit me just influence that if you're at work all year and she has the 'chores' done by the time you draw from home what does it matter.
However if she works too or if you don't work afterwards you should be doing the chores together and or having coffee together. Perhaps the problem is bigger than you brand name out.
I have to influence though if it was me getting to be the stay at home housewife and mother and not have to work full time which i do as does my partner, then i would unquestionably have adjectives the 'chores' done as well as fit contained by my social needs beforehand my partner got home.
she should consider herself lucky if she get to stay home while you go to work and be doing the 'chores'. not everyone get to be a stay at home mum.

What foods are you not allowed to devour during your period?

That is so sexist! We can do our "chores" as you phone call them, as and when we like!! If we want coffee mornings or a light of day off from the chores, so be it!!

Excessive mastrubation?

they are waiting for the men to do the chores and procure them coffee.

Ok so I have an infection.?

B/c if they are anything similar to me...they never have a free moment and hold to eat sometime.

Will my boobs maintain growing?

how silly of you to even ask that question.
it is not something that have to be done, for a time, unless visitors are coming etc,
aslong as the place is at some standard of verbs, who is to judge!.

you shovernistic personage you

White milky discharge <vaginal>?


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