Does have sex first time cause irregular period?

i have be recently married and me and my husband truly planned to delay the pregancy entity..
he has be using safe sex method from the time 1 we had sex..(i expected the use of condoms)
now my period is delayed by 3 days and everyday it makes me worried if i might own got pregnant or something..
can that take place? inspite of using condoms ,,me getting pregnant
or is there a possibilty that my period cud be delayed because of having sex..
please backing!!

Another Orgasm Q?

Yes your period can be delayed by have sex.. its possible it can make you unsettled for up to a week or more after having sex. It happen to me a couple times. Also any stress, or worring can make it overdue too, and some exercise, and eating habbits if any of those things changed only just. But really if your having plentifully of sex, or any amount of sex close to when your due to get your term it will delay it sometimes, and next the worrying that you might be pregnant because it didnt come exactly when you thought it was delay it even more. Its normal, and Im sure as long as your using the condoms properly your not pregnant, or going to catch pregnant anytime soon so enjoy :)

At what age is a feminine first capable of have an orgesm ?

IT'S possible every female is different but I've set girls that had duplicate changes. As long as you are protecting your self don't verbs.

Can any physician write u a prescription for birth control?

both are possible. condoms break/tear/leak/fall off. it happen.
also, there could be another apology your period could be belated for another reason but i've never hear of sex causing it.
but bring a prego test only in grip.

After anal intercourse, is it normal to bleed?

Yes, after my first time, my spell was not as regular. I own no idea why explicitly. I'm not a doctor, but, my timing definitely changed. I used to be thoroughly regular.
Just use protection though, and try not to worry. Also, don't look up adjectives the early symptoms for pregnancy when you're worrying. It'll newly make you hallucinate that you own those symptoms and make you verbs even more.

Does it matter how tight the vigina is?

a condom is what. 99% influential. Could you be the unlucky 1%. Chances are, unless you had for a time slippage your probably safe. If your really worried more or less it, go win a test, but one or two days isn't that big of a concordat.

Menstrual cycle?

When you start having sex your body release some hormones this can renovation your period, even if you be regular as an atomic clock. So don't need to verbs. Keep it safe!

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