Problems after a D&C - 13 months then?

I had a D&C 13 months ago after the birth of my son. It be due to severe hemorrhaging 2 weeks postpartum.

I still have not have a period - but that's not worrying me b/c I am still breastfeeding. What bothers me is that for in the region of 2 months now I've have some annoying period-like cramping - but no period. Not really PAINFUL, but definitely humiliated.

So, anyone experience long-term problems after a D&C? I had no problems at adjectives until about 2 months ago. I'm wondering very soon about Asherman's Syndrom... scarring of the uterine walls.

Period Problems?

The solitary thing that I would verbs about would be Asherman's. It is not extremely common, but when it is see it is most likely associated beside a postpartum D&C and not your everyday D&C or abortion procedure. Since you are still breastfeeding it will be difficult to make the diagnosis. Are you ONLY breastfeeding your child at 13 mos aged? Most children are eating foods by presently and if yours is and you are not feeding him solitary breastmilk you should have have a cycle by now. You did not mention what you are using for birth control, but some of those can wreak the same problem (the shot or the mirena iud) If your child is ingestion some foods and you are not using birth control, you should see a doctor to discuss the problem. Ashermans can be diagnosed with a hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingogram. Ashermans can motive infertility but I am sure you already know this since you know about Ashermans

PCOS and pregnancy?

I deem you need to stop by your gyn. The cramping sensation could be due to oxytocin (a hormone which can stimulate uterine contractions) while you are breastfeeding. In any case, if you haven't have a pelvic exam in a year since your toddler was deliver, you are due for one.

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