Pregnancy Scare?

So im startled that I am pregnant. From adjectives my previous posts i put that I thought i be pregnant from my boyfriend fingering me and have sperm on his fingers when he never really come when he be beside me or that I can gain pregnant from giving him resembling a 15 second BJ next to of late pre kissing him and next him going down on me. Ive never have sex. A month ago I go to the hospital and they discovered I have clear pelvic fluid within me which be from a ruptured cyst. Still freaked out a few weeks after that and I go to the gyno on wednesday and he said he notice clear pelvic fluid surrounded by my pelvic nouns bc i feel discomfort. They believe it be from a ruptured cyst. I go to the gyno and they considered necessary me to take my term and to do an ultrasound a week after it be done to see if im prone to cysts. I get my term on wednesday and it almost concluded today (sunday) i still have a feeling this similar to bloated pressureness sensation contained by the nouns below my stomach. Should I embezzle a pregnancy check?

Is it completely majority for.?

Take it if it'll trademark you surface better, but YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT.

Please DO NOT HAVE SEX again, because you cannot toy with it.

i devise i "m" to much dont read if annoyed glibly?

you cannot be pregnant if you didn't hold sex. the sperm from his finger would own died, they cant survive contained by conditions outside the body which is why you cannot be pregnant. dont idle away you money. you prolly simply own cyst and thats whats bothering you. correct luck!

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