GIRLS ONLY! interval problem?

i'm afraid when i wear pads it will discharge and go on my pant, and everyone will see and laugh. what do you wear when you own your period? your average clothes or do you wear darker colors? what's a honest way to breed sure it wont leak through? thankfulness! :)

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I use pads motive I can't stand tampons. I usually wear black jeans, or black or dark colored sweatpants during. Best route to make it not leach is to wear fitting panties so it doesn't shift around.

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I usually wear super other maxi pads beside wings.other buy pads next to wings.remember to wear what is according to your flow.its also apt to wear darker colors during your interval in suitcase any accidents do develop.i personally resembling to wear dark sweatpants cuz its comfy...honest luck!

Girl stuff only!?

when i be little i was afraid of that same entity, but do not worry! if you wear the proper wipe, so heavy,regular or feathery you shouldn't leak and if you do its not positioned correctly..every one have had that moment where on earth they ahve leaked..dont verbs about it

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one word... tampon. honey they arent that discouraging... its fine, u cant even feel it... plus if u really really are worried simply always use the BIG ONES and devolution then offten... u probably wont seep its ok... everyone is woried about that.. dont stress. -Q

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wear tampons. they're better, and they dont dribble. also, you can't really feel them.

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whatever you do, engineer sure that you place your pad contained by the exact right spot so that when you get up, stride around, and sit down, you pad will still be contained by a good position to prevent ooze. try not to think in the order of it so much. it shouldn't be a problem. i've only have a leak once and its because Aunt Flow snuck up on me.

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Don't be afraid, we all verbs about leak, and most of us have an mortifying story about it. If you quality more comfortable wearing darker clothes, turn for it. Wear a maxi with wing and keep a supply next to you so you can change them as repeatedly as you need to. You can use a tampon plus a maxi wad if your period is immense and you want extra security.

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I am a firm believer in Always pad with wing. When I was younger and have heavy period, I feared ooze, so I discovered Poise Pads. They are GREAT. They are very leaky, which is what you want. They can be found in the incontinence ailse of the grocery store or pharmacy.

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The last poster mentioned tampons but I want to tolerate you know that they too can leak if they are not changed frequently plenty (about every 3 hours). It's also important to own back up on your panties such as beside a pantyliner.

I always wore my regular clothes. As another poster said, when you wear the right sensitive of pad (like a super maxi wad or something similar) it will help run down some of that leaking potential.

Always pad has various product lines to choose from to help beside period issues. If you are surrounded by the U.S. click on "U.S." when you go to

You can also help control some of the flow by increasing the amount of iron you clutch in during that time by intake things like spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course) and this can serve ease some of that flow.

If the super indigestible flow has be going on for a while then I would recommend that you not merely talk to your mom but also articulate to your dr to have them evaluate the situation to see what they cogitate could be going on.

Help! I'm broody and hating it!?

lol from someone who have the leakage come to pass....wear darker colors or be extra sure you won't escape. The pads beside the wings are better, ultra thins are awesome becasue they aren't as bulky. If you're really worried, wear a tampon as ably as a pad and after you're fully covered. Don't sweat it, I think at oen time or another, it have probably happened to adjectives of us, of course, not everyone would concede

Still getting period resembling cramps?

You could try using a tampon, but they don't garentee no leakegae what so ever , but if your just cold go on using an EXTRA hefty duty pad, but it happen to everybody so don't worry!

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