Nausea Issues?

The last few weeks i own been overcome near sudden waves of nausea that ending anywhere from 1-10 minutes and my appetite has be very up and down.

Has anyone have similar symptoms before?

I'm not pregnant, a moment ago recently have a period and also a gloomy blood test


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The info you provide is extreamly limitted so can one and only be my answer... Here's a list of possible cause...

THIS LIST IN NO WAY WILL BE COMPLETE (for reasons of space mostly) AND IN NO WAY (!) SHOULD REPLACE AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR GP OR FAMILLY DOCTOR OR OTHER DOCTOR. It is enormously important that you'll be checked out...

1. Gastritis --> more or smaller amount serious inflamation of the stomach mucosa. Causes mostly pain (more or smaller number severe), loss (or withholding due to pain) of appetite, may be accompanied by ulcer, nausia and vomitting may as well be present. Antacids or H-blockers (eg. omeprasol) relieve the symptoms and surrounded by a non-symptomatic but cure-goal treatment resolve the problem.

2. Stomach or deodenum ulcer --> lession of the mucosa (deeper than the gastritis causes) may co-exist beside gastritis or not. Caused mainly by elicobacterium pilori (a germ), surrounded by most (99%) cases treatable. May cause severe backache, nausia, vomiting, loss of waight (due to withdrawl from eating) or overconsumption of dairy (milk may resolve the symptoms). Pain comes and goes, usually is releaved by antacids or H-blockers as above. Treatment includes H-blockers and amoxicilin for the bacterium.

3. Mass --> benin or malignant lots within the stomach cavity may produce nausia, vomiting and wight loss, or no symptoms at all. Treatment involves surgical removal of the mass and/or other kind of treatment regarding of the size, stage and spread of the disease.

4. Trichinomas --> shows resembling a mass and presents with counterbalance loss, pain, vomiting, diarhea, nausia etc. Is found in ppl beside the habbit of eating their spike. Rare condition.

5. Labyrinthitis or other dissorders of the labyrinth --> the organ of symmetry is found within the ear and specifically within the labyrinth. Infection or other explanation of labyrinth dysfunction would probably organize to severe nausia and vomiting, usually accompanied by severe (discribed as effective death experiance) vertigo. Usually greatly easilly cured once spoted.

6. Psychological reasons --> anorexia nervosa, bulimia, deepression or other smaller number common mental dissorders can head to mausia and vomitting, along with other mental symptoms depending on the ascendant cause.

7. Pregnancy (though you tested distrustful in a blood trial, so...)

8. Simple stress --> It is not uncommon within people next to sensitivity to stress and anxiety to appear with nausia within life shifting phases.

In any case, this enumerate could grow longer but I believe most common cause are all in attendance. I should once again underline two points: 1. Most (if not all) of these conditions are treatable. 2. This detail answer or advice can IN NO WAY replace the physical and laboratory evaluation your MD should accomplish. This is just a bit of information for you...

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maybe, it is just a plain stomach upset. you should other bring a piece of sugar free hard candy

Can you plz minister to me?

It could be stress, when you are stressing about something too much, it begin to take on a physical affect, affecting your disturbed system, digestive system and even some of your other systems. If you are stressed then my best suggestion is to bear some time out to relax yourself, even if you have to shut everyone out for a couple of days.

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