Arghhhhhhh please minister to!!?

heya everyone,

recently (about 3 weeks ago) in the future i woke up and put my trousers on and they seemed for a time snug when usually i have to wear a belt on it! so i concluded that i be bloated. At the time i was on my spell so i thought that the bloatedness was due to that. However 3 weeks on my stomach's still bloated, is this average or should the bloatedness hav gone by now?? please aid as this is the first time ever that i have experienced bloatedness.

appreciation in finance xx

p.s. for those who i suggest i am fat or pregnant carry a life! i cant stir from a size 6/8 to a size 10 overnight and definately not pregnant either


Shavingwomen only please?

Bloatiness is a horrible piece and why people gurgle about it is
beyond me.

Could you hold been adjectives back on your food intake by any coincidence and drinking fizzy drinks instead.

Are you constipated one day and running to the loo the subsequent if so you could have the start of IBS so best ask a medical doctor.

Try drinking barley river for a while and see how it goes. And lay of the brackish and processed foods and take aways as adjectives of these can contribute to bloating because of the high sodium content surrounded by the food.

I'm sure you soon be back to common but all the best anyway.

How lots squares of toilet paper do American general public use?

Water pills..... they work great!

Can a woman get pregnant if she have oral sex?

Do you need a poo?

What's up beside me?

Water retention maybe? You can draw from a special kind of pill for that, to flush it away. Also try adjectives your salt intake ,that may facilitate.

Whats happening?

Could be constipation or hose down retention?
Drink loads of water & hold an eye on it

What could these symptms be?

is your taste a bit brackish?
try low sodium... salt can hold abundantly of water surrounded by your body.
also, do you eat greatly of grain? espcially Barleys can produce a lot gas within your intestines.
try not to eat for one intact day. Just drink dampen and see what happens subsequent day.

Do hormone change brought on by menopause cause change in the bowel?

sound as though you own slight water retension, a trip to the docs would'nt hurt though.xx

Everytime i try and hold sex it hurts and i start to bleed?

Have you been getting stomach ache with this too? Bloating could of be caused next to a change of diet. hold you eaten something you don't usually eat. if this doesn't turn away I'd go to doctors as Bloating shouldn't second to long.

I got the birth control shot within May.?

could be a number of things. correct foods cause bloating, drinking a big meal/snack before going to bed. try adjectives out the usual suspects that cause bloating. wheat,yeast,cabbage,broccoli etc. if bloating still within see Ur GP. or bit a little seaweed surrounded by your food whilst cooking it, the seaweed breaks down the emzie that causes bloating.

Missed spell, no sex?

Have you ever thought about getting a clonic. It sounds gross but afterwards you'll quality and look a whole lot better

Period twice within a month?

You need to be in motion to your GP as soon as possible. Don`t want to frighten you but it is important to catch a check up. you should not be retaining water or still be swollen for this long.

Which would be the best/ right vitamin supplement for me?

you may own just gain some weight. see your doctor if you are really worried
by the course water pills are not polite for you. do some research on them befroe you take them

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