Just for ladies only-?

im a man. i want to ask: why i ve the problem 2times. How can i improve myself? Now she is so angry to me, and she never respect me as man...

Ovarian cyst?

Maybe its time 4 a change and becum GAY!

Yasmin BC sun start or year one start?

we can't help when you don't say-so what the problem is =sorry

Question abt pap smears?

serves you right you 2 timing jerk!!

Eggs and length?


What side effects have u have using birth control implanon that is imserted surrounded by arm?

You said it.

Puberty question?

I enjoy no idea what you are chitchat about


you ain't gonna carry much help. whats the problem?!

Do tanning bed help acquire rid of acne?

u gotta ask urself why u 2 time! is it for attention? if so buy a dog!

Pain towards the back of my vagina (on the outside) when have sex, why?

Are you referring to impotence? It can be related to stress. There are plenty of helplines you could contact.

Try http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/...
or www.manmatters.co.uk.

If your partner reacted disappointingly, she may be worried that the problem is centred on her. Talk to her in the order of it. Any sexual problem needs to be solved together. If she is unkind, you don't have need of to take that. Lots of men own problems maintaining an erection. It is not your imperfection.

Depo Provera weight gain?

Sorry fellow.but how can a entity answer your question when it is thorny to tell what your interrogate really is??

5'7 and 196 pounds?

i think i infer what you are trying to say...i guess English isnt your 1st prose but hey youre doing fine. i say adjectives girls have experienced their guy have this problem and to be honest its the girls reaction that might determine if it happen again so she shud be more understanding unless she desires you to keep on struggling..the more u conjecture about it the more it could arise so try to relax and talk to your girl ..and as for those empire who think youre 2 timing.they a moment ago read it wrong thats all. flawless luck honey and keep your pecker up x

Am I Fat? (Be Honest)?

Could be heaps things like stress, alcohol, man "on the spot", feeling pressured, or something more serious. Talk to your relations doctor, or just step to a totally new doctor freshly for this.

Dentists Problems!!?

it sounds psychological, if your partner doesn't regard you as a man, why are you next to someone so nasty? it have absolutely no care on what a real man is just about, it's happening again because you're tensed up in satchel it doesn't happen, my proposal is, get a girlfriend who treats you properly

Has anyone have any experience with the herb fenugreek and larger breasts.?

your stressing out in the region of it too much hun and if she isn't being supportive going on for it then she not the right girl for you. Lots of man hold this problem I am led to believe. Don't verbs to much, try and relax and maybe dance to your Doc. Good Luck.

Relationship help.?

sorry dont obtain the question.
make clear to us more.

How young is it not detrimental to get breast implant?

i.m lost with this examine,you have a problem 2times.all right without mortal rude what is it??and why is she angry.is it your wife.girlfriend or lover you will have to explain more to us ladies.we don.t become conscious your question sorry

What are the methods to stop mane falling?i need herbal tips to solve this?

The guy is trying to voice that on two occasions he have suffered from premature ejaculation and that his girlfriend has gotten angry at him for it.. Perhaps your getting too excited too hastily, try foreplay and experiment.

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