Best breakneck tummy toning workout?

What's a good at home exercise workout routine that will tone and tighten my belly? I achieve bored of dvds and machines help!

YAZ birthcontrol?

Try Pilates.

It's one of the best ab toning exercises around as it recruits the use of your abs (plus butts, rear and spine = the so-called powerhouse or core muscles) in almost all exercise movements.

When you do Pilates, you'll really get to crunch, stretch, strengthen, tone and sculpt your abs to stronger, firmer shape.

It's a hell of a wonderful ab cruncher - you really see your abs taking on a flatter, sexier shape!

Try it!


This might nouns strange but if you have an over lead bar or something you can hold on to and dangle off. If not you can verbs two chairs together and support your self with your arms between them. Lift your knees as soaring as you can, try to touch your chest then spread your legs apart as far-reaching as possible keeping legs as high as possible and subsidise together again. Do this as many times as you can in need lowering your legs. It is guaranteed to tone yous stomach, upper legs and arms all next to one exercise. Plus once you get strong ample to hold your self in that position for a few reps you will never want to stop doing it because of the hunch it gives you.

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