5'7 and 196 pounds?

is that fat ?


Ok below my moved out breast which is the stomach it hurts and the left side of my belly button itches..

The merely way to find out is to own your body fat percent tested. You might be 196 pounds of solid muscle for adjectives I know.

BMI is a waste of time!

How do I construct myself go from really p*ssed bad to feeling slightly happier?

yes check http://BMI.com

Is it OK to run/exercise during interval?

It is pretty hefty.

Cycle change?

sorry to report to you but it is

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Where can I find a nursing bra in a 38L?

too skinny
get through up

Razorburn question?

yes, i'm 5'5" and 105 pounds

Women near fibroids what were your symptoms?

hey try this...its close to a little testing...


Could you use regular bleach to whiten your teeth?

Well at that height, your not skin and bones at that weight but I bet you carry it better after some.

Ladies: How do you deal beside cramps?

its not obese

but your prolly a little over weiht for your height

a heatlhy mass for a 5'7" woman is prolly anywhere
from 125 - 150 mabye 60.

Female ejaculate or pee?

That really just depends on your body structure and the amount of muscle mass you own. The websites that give you BMI information don't thieve into account your bone structure and your muscle mass. The ONLY passageway to get an ACCURATE portrayal is to ask a doctor.

If you work out and eat right, you should be fine. You shouldn't look at the #s you should look at the Size, does that build sense?

Should I be worried about my length if it started late?

Well everyone carry there consignment differently. Sounds like be about like size Im about 5'6" and weigh in the order of 188. I look at myself and say I really necessitate to lose weight. I wouldnt articulate that we are extremely obese or anything!!But well look at it this track Im not fat Im basically fluffy!LOL I am wanting to lose weight. Let me know if u own any weight loss tips.

Can't hold sex?

Yes, I the bmi scale
it says ur obese not corpulent. but obese
I am so sorry to break this to you.

Help me out here, if it isn't diabetes then what's wrong?!?

heres what i beleive. I beleive that not everyone have the same body frame. some empire have larger frames than other race. to me the bmi scale can be a refuse of time for that very use. i am also high on the bmi scramble, but most people dont imagine that i am fat because my frame holds the consignment well.
while i dont suggest getting hold of more weight because it can contribute to a multitude of strength problems, i will suggest that you remain comfortable in your own skin and try to stay away from foods with alot of sugar and podginess. a little exercise cant hurt any.
also ask your doctor what they think. they might be capable of run some tests to rule out any condition problems.
basically how do YOU have a feeling?

Ok so i was wondering?

If your sister is an mature, I wouldn't worry almost it. If she is a kid, I would try to intervene.
If she is happy w/ her size, don't verbs about it. 196 isn't too obese.
When empire tell you that u are oil or overweight, it doesn't motivate them to loose weight! It only hurts their morale.
Try accepting her the way she is.. if she starts loving herself, next maybe she will want to loose a few pounds.

What's a really apt deodorant?

I know some who would kill to capture to your statistics. . but the major question is how do you feel? Do you discern winded after walking up stairs? Do you like the clothes choices you hold for your size and shape? Do you think that losing substance is going to answer some questions for you?

Now, prescription says that we should be surrounded by the 150 pound range (I am in the neighbourhood the same height), but I am basically not there. To me, i.e. skinny and I want curves. Yet, I do not want the diabetes, heart disease, and other problems that come. If you dont have those ailments, you devour healthy and preserve active. . .you are not solid. You have to evaluate you.

When should it come?

Yes!... according to a computation called the Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI = your weightiness (kg) divided by your height (meters) squared

Your BMI works out to be 30.7 placing you in the obese category

Here are the ranges/categories...

BMI Weight Status

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

However BMI is simply a guideline. It does not take into rationalization your body composition (muscle vs. fat) or frame size. So a person near a great deal of muscle mass (like a bodybuilder) would own BMI that would place them in the overweight or obese category even though they own a very low percent body tubby. Consequently BMI is not a valid calculation for everyone, but it is a hasty and handy guideline.

Other measures you might want to look into would be to calculate your percent body corpulent which can be measured in a choice of ways including taking skinfold measurements.

Hopefully this helps, hang on to working towards fitness and health, well brought-up luck!

I need serious guidance any dr./gyanea/experts here?

well yes and no yes by bmi charts and by doctors but there is profusely more bigger people next her does she really look fat or go she look good?

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