Could i be pregnant but still have a interval?

could you have period and still be pregnant? im getting loads of pregnancy symptoms. so just wondering.

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Yes it is possible to have monthly bleeds surrounded by early pregnancy. It might be worth checking a try-out.

Why spotting before extent? Past 3 !?

Yes if you are on the pill i had two period when i fell pregnant but was on the pill... so its not a proper term... I did go to university with a girl who didn't n she be pregnant and had her period

I have the implantion but i dont thinkthats what it is.?

no, you cant. The reality that you have a time means that everything inside is coming out.

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You could possibly bring a very neutral period or two, but its not really likely. A lot of assoicated signs of pregnancy can also be attributed to PMS or other things in vivacity ...

I have have ma period for almost a month wut can the use be?

yes you can still have your your period while pregnant,you should find out if you are pregnant.

Should I go on birth control to regulate my period?

Well i was 4 months - but consequently i was also on the pill which would own gave me that result. But i expect you still can have a period when pregnant regardless.

So short hair i scrach my cranium i use the nit comb nothing nearby have i get them?

possible but not likely thieve the test and if positive see your ob/gyn

Has anyone tried yaz birthcontrol, or another one that help moods? how did it work? any side effects?

yes you can
a period is solitary an unfertilized egg leaving your body, if you are pregnant your body does not other stop producing eggs and as a result you will have a extent.

Im 15 years old and i dont hold any real bras. HELPPPP!!?

Depending on your vigour yes. My work mate had a time but it was 2 weeks impulsive. This was a short time ago all the 'doomed to failure' lining man discharged so it wouldnt harm the fresh one. What else can start is just a discharge which can resemble blood. Take a try-out. Ease your mind.

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Sometimes yes you can have at tiniest two more periods while self pregnant it depends on when your eggs drop yo should go to the doctor and achieve a test. My friend be on the birth control Depo Pervera for 2 years (your cycle stops all together while your on it) she terminated up getting really sharp pains in her stomach and went to the hospital and found out she be 4 months pregnant. I would take a experiment soon and if it comes out that your not try again in a couple weeks. Good luck

Something is wrong with my pill?

you can travel right through apregnancy and have period but if you think you are you can return with a pregnancy kit at the chemist

What is another odds for Provera?

Yes you can. Around the time i became pregnant( few days) I have my period. A immensely normal term too. I was not on any thoughtful of birth control either. I have my period for two months. I found out i be pregnant at 8weeks. They only entry that made me think I be pregnant was i be getting sick all the time. I would really budge to OBGYN ASAP. My mom and sister both had period during their pregnancies.

My girl and i of 5+yrs used to do it,3x a day very soon its 3X amonth and she wont give me more,wh/can i do?

no i dont surmise u are pregnant but get checked out by your gp

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