Why do i return with white discharge?

I used to get white discharge jus a week formerly my periods. After i get married and started having sex beside my husband actively i have be getting the white discharge everyday and everytime i urinate.I also get an odour in my body because of this. This discharge is white in colour only...It is not yellowish or anything. Can somebody put in the picture me why i am experiencing such a thing?

I get problem..about my..?

This is run of the mill. It's just your body cleaning itself out, for need of a better phrase. Being sexually active give your body more to "clean out." Every woman get it, and, unfortunately, near isn't much you can do about it.

It's merely a yeast infection if it burns/itches.

Isn't being feminine awesome? Haha.

Why do lady parts produce noise sometimes? almost resembling a whoopie cushion type noise. and what is the smell?

? Or conceivably a yeast infection?

Goin' Comando: Are there any robustness risks for women?

Because your husband had an affair and you've contracted an STD. It's his show disapproval unless, of course, YOU be the one sleeping around and contracted crotch rot. Divorce him and find an honest partner!

Cramps! I have tried EVERYTHING I can muse of..!! Please help!!?

Could be a yeast infection?

I necessitate a successful work out plan.. i am 17 yr. old, 5'2, 133 pounds. how can i soundly lose 5-10 pounds?

You can have a bacterial infection call bactieral vaginosis.
I have it you procure a white discharge and a fishy odor mainly during and after sex. You will stipulation to go to the dr. for this yo catch antibiotics for treatment. It is not harmful it is not an std. Its newly that certain things can be paid the bacteria grow epidemic. Maybe its the bath soap your using if you valet with soap doen near maybe its the detergent you use when you valet your underwear its best to use Dreft for underwear washing. It can also come spinal column after treatment it did for me and now im taking a antibotic gel for it for 5=7 days. You can also can be treated beside Flagyl but you cant drink with it and during treatment you can enjoy intercourse at all untill you finished your meds. Good Luck.

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