My friend have a lump on her vagina wall?

The lump is about 2-3 cm and has a dimple on the tip of it and she can be aware of it everytime she goes in in attendance or puts a tampon in.

I come bad the pill 5 week ago?

She need to bring a pap smear done ASAP. It could be anything or nothing at all. However, its ovbously a concern so get hold of it checked immediantly before it gets bigger.

TMI cross-question but jus wonderin?

she should travel see hr gynecologist.asap

Looking For a definite Good GYN and medical doctor surrounded by Richmond Va?

first, how close of friends are u two that u know this, and it could be an ingrown hair or a wart(pimple) thing

Swollen cervix? Ladies please (unless your a guy who's wife, g.f. have this)?

sure your "friend"

you are pretty close friends!

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