How can i catch rid of cramps?

killer cramps...
i don't enjoy any advil or anything like that.
how can i return with rid of these quick? :(

Is it possible? Really worriedneed warning!?

get a clear up cloth and soak it in hot dampen. then put it on your tummy. try drinking something hot similar to tea. dont take a hot shower or tub... it makes it work since your hot consequently come out and your stomach will get cold so it'll engineer it worse. try eating a banana. my friend said that works. lol. so use the hot bathe cloth and put it on your tummy and drink hot tea and eat a banana. afterwards go to bed. in good health try to sleep listen to music or something. i hope you feel better!! :]

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Heres a little trick.. if you are competent to go to a store capture icy hot.. or if they are chronic cramps try investing in a heat wipe that you plug in and put it on the low chunk of your stomach...if you are on a budget get a warm washcloth. A ethnic group trick is to drink apple cider..that works to but the heat help the best if they are that bad.

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sometimes a nice hot bath or a heat pad works, but try going on google and turn upside down "home rememdies" and look for cramps and stuff. good luck ;0
P.S. don't cramps suck? lol

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If you have any natural cabbage handy or apples eat them.. for some explanation they help.. it help me, my mother and my sister with cramps.. (not sure why it basically does)..

Otherwise take a nice long hip bath and try some breathing exercises.

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a warm washrag on your stomache, a hose down bottle filled beside hot water on your stomache, a heat pad. low breathing. sleep. hope this helps. try not to devour anything too heavy contained by carbs or a huge meal, chomp through smaller meals throughout the daylight so that it keeps from making cramps worse. hope this help.

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I work out, that help. Ibprofen is my friend during my period. But they read aloud that eating fine, adding more iron and fish to your diet help in the long run. But promptly, I use a heating wipe and take ibprofen, as soon as I have a feeling them coming, because it works faster the earlier you lift them.

What can cause cramps within your stomach besides menstrual pains?

Set ups will do the trick. YES! you heard me right. Set ups!
The foundation is it relaxes the muscles in your stomach. Don't
do too frequent. Just do 5 set ups slowly. Then get up and
bearing around. The cramps should go away. It other helped me.

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If you are female, and if you are within a sexual relationship...
2 BIG ifs,
My first wife had AWFUL cramps. WE tried everything, and THEN we tried SEX.
Sex may be the LAST thing in your mind when you're in agony. But if you can button intercourse (for medicinal reasons) when the cramps are their worst, or if your guy is wiling to "go down" and bring you to the "O", you'll speed up the process. You are potential experiencing VIOLENT cramps during menstruation. Once my wife and I discovered SEX during her worst cramps, a 3-day period be COLLAPSED to one UGLY ANGRY 24 hour time period, and she be DONE for a month!
If you're a guy, check with your MD.

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if your at home then receive an old sock, the bigger the better and overrun it up with rice or beans, preferrably rice. Tie the bring to a close of the sock or keep it closed somehow, throw it contained by the microwave for 2-3 minutes then lay it on your lower belly. the heat should serve your cramps. Aleve always works best but you said you didnt own any pain killer so just stock up on that for subsequent time.

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you can get rid of cramps smoothly u can take a hot/warm tub then you merely rest but don't lay on your stomach try it?

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cramps are horrible! i know exactly how you feel! try teen midol is your a youth or midol is your an adult. or try 2 Tylenol.

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filll up ur tub to the hotiest dampen that yoiu can take <3

put sum bubbbles contained by it
wash sour <3
and it would be better
there going to come support tho.
drink some liquidss and ask sumbody to go to the store for you

best of luck. my wishes to ya!

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